Do you say rewound or Rewinded?

Rewound is the past tense and past participle of rewind.

Is Rewinded a Scrabble word?

Yes, rewinded is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the plural for rewind?

Noun. rewind (plural rewinds) The act of rewinding. A button or other mechanism for rewinding.

What do you mean by Ravine?

Definition of ravine : a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water.

How do you use rewound in a sentence?

He rewound the handle and set the machine playing. She said that the position would be rewound to the status quo, but that is not the case. Unfortunately, life is not like a video tape; it cannot be rewound, and the parts that we do not like—or wish had never happened—cannot be erased.

How do you spell Rewend?

verb (used with or without object), re·wound or (Rare) re·wind·ed; re·wind·ing. to wind again.

What is meaning of rewinding?

to go back, or to make something go back, to an earlier time: We can’t rewind history and try it a different way.

What does a ravine look like?

A ravine is similar to a canyon or a valley with steep sides, but smaller. A ravine is usually larger than a gully. A ravine may have an active stream year around or during the wet season. Some ravines remain dry due to a change of climate since it was formed.

What is a small ravine called?

gulch. A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent.

What is another word for rewind?

What is another word for rewind?

backtrack backpedal
reverse undo
retract retreat
cancel dismantle
invalidate invert

What is a synonym for rewind?

In this page you can discover 4 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rewind, like: playback, re-wind, fast-forward and start-stop.