Do you put mustard on a brisket to smoke?

Part of flavoring your brisket can include using mustard or olive oil in your beef brisket grill recipe. Including a brisket rub mustard helps your dry rub penetrate the meat and flavor it all the way through.

What does mustard do for smoking meat?

This Is How Mustard Tenderizes Smoked Meat The mustard actually works to tenderize the meat and you will notice little more than a thin crust of it over the surface of the meat. In fact, mustard can help to produce the crust that is so sought after in traditional barbecue.

Should you put mustard on meat before smoking?

Whether you are smoking a brisket, ribs or a pork shoulder, rubbing the meat with plain old yellow mustard, then seasoning it with your favorite dry rub does two wonderful things. First, it will help the seasoning adhere to the meat more evenly and not fall off while smoking.

Is mustard a good binder for brisket?

A binder is a thin layer of paste applied to pieces of meat to rub sticks during smoking. Yellow mustard is the most common binder for a brisket recipe. However, there are many other binders used, such as olive oil, mayonnaise, hot sauce, and even plain water.

How do I use mustard in a brisket?

Spread mustard on entire surface of brisket. Sprinkle rub evenly over brisket, pressing gently to ensure seasoning sticks to meat.

What kind of mustard do you rub on a brisket?

yellow mustard
Coat the brisket with a light coating of the yellow mustard. Mix the sugar and spices together to form the rub for the brisket.

Can mustard be used as a binder?

People will often refer to the mustard as a “binder, schmear, or slather” as its functional purpose is to act as a glue for the dry rub and the meat. The mustard layer imparts no flavor that’s capable of being perceived in the mouth.

What does mustard do for brisket?

Mustard is a fantastic flavor enhancer, but don’t worry; your brisket won’t taste like mustard once it’s cooked. It actually creates a wet surface that keeps the rub in place and prevents moisture loss during the cooking process.

What can I use instead of mustard as a binder?

Binders like those in the background, such as (from left) yellow mustard, steak sauce, olive oil, melted butter, apple sauce and mayonnaise are great options. A dry rub is sprinkled on a pork roast after applesauce was put on the meat as a binder.

Why is yellow mustard used as a binder?

The mustard layer is often referred to as a binder, slather, or schmear; The functional purpose of the mustard is to act as a glue for the dry rub and the brisket. This mustard layer imparts no flavor that’s capable of being tasted.

How much mustard do you put on a brisket?

Ingredients 14 Servings

  1. 1 (5 pounds) beef brisket, trimmed.
  2. 1/2 cup French’s® Classic Yellow Mustard.
  3. 1 jar (2 ounces) Stubb’s Beef Spice Rub Substitutions available. Stubb’s Bar-B-Q Spice Rub.
  4. Stubb’s Smokey Mesquite Bar-B-Q Sauce, (optional)