Do you have to pay to get into McKinney Falls State Park?

DAY USE FEE: $6 per day, per person 13 and older.

Do you need a reservation for McKinney Falls State Park?

McKinney Falls is located within McKinney Falls State Park, just about 25 minutes outside of Austin, at McKinney Falls Parkway. There are two spots to swim, the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls. The park is open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and you must have reservations to enter.

What is the wildlife at McKinney Falls State Park?

White-tailed deer, raccoons, armadillos, squirrels and many bird species, including the colorful painted bunting, live in the park. The flowing waters of Onion and Williamson creeks support majestic bald cypress trees and bright wildflowers like red Turk’s cap.

What kind of rock is at McKinney Falls State Park?

limestone rock
The calcium carbonate sediments deposited during this period lithified into the limestone rock underneath the park’s soil and was exposed by erosion around the creek bed. Aquatic reptiles swam in the sea as evidenced by a complete skeleton of a mosasaur found in the rocks of Onion Creek not far from the park.

Can you swim at McKinney Falls?

Swimming at McKinney Falls State Park Speaking of the Upper Falls, there are two places to swim at the park: the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls.

Are dogs allowed in McKinney State Park?

You Can Bring Your Dog to McKinney Falls State Park. Dogs are allowed at the park, but must stay on a leash no longer than 6 feet at all times. Dogs are not allowed in the water or the cabins.

Are dogs allowed in McKinney Falls?

In the summer, this is a popular swimming hole, but the sign we saw said dogs are not allowed in the water. There are, however, two hiking trails – both 2.8 miles long – where leashed dogs are welcome.

Does McKinney Falls have water?

There are 81 campsites, and all have water and electric hookups. You can also rent one of six newly remodeled cabins. The park recommends making reservations for day use and camping, as they reach capacity often. Food, beverages, coolers, and pets aren’t allowed in the creek.

Where can I fish in McKinney Falls State Park?

You can choose to fish at either Onion Creek or Williamson Creek, and you don’t even need a fishing license. Just bring your fishing pole and bait, find a good spot, and relax right there by the water. There is even a fishing tip sheet you can get at the park, with tips and fishing regulations to help you out.

Do Texas state parks allow dogs?

You can bring your pets to almost all state parks! However, we do have some rules: Pets must be on leash, in a car, or in a crate at all times. The leash can be no longer than 6 feet.

Can you fish at McKinney Falls?