Do you drop your arms in the downswing?
Do you drop your arms in the downswing?
Teaching professional Shawn Clement agrees that the player’s arms should drop to begin the downswing, but he says they must drop into the right position. Clement advises players to focus on dropping their arms in front of the body, while keeping their hands on the proper swing plane.
What initiates the downswing in golf?
The golf swing starts from the ground up. Even as the upper body and arms are still going back, the lower body is starting the downswing. Putting pressure into the lead foot early in the transition is a big key to setting up the rest of the downswing.
Should hands be ahead of ball at impact?
The ball should be positioned forward in the stance therefore you DO NOT start with your hands ahead of the ball at set up. Because the ball is on a tee, the driver will hit the ball on the upswing and your hands will be in the middle of your body at impact. Your hands will not be forward at impact with the driver!
How do I improve my impact position in golf?
Hold your body and swing the club back two feet and return the club into the impact bag. Then push the bag to get the feeling of your arms and body working through impact. Once you get the feeling for this new impact position start hitting balls focusing on contact.
What moves first in the downswing?
The correct golf downswing sequence starts with a pressure shift to the lead leg, followed by an externally rotated trail arm to shallow the angle of the club, before rotating the torso through to impact.
What is the best way to drill a golf club?
The drill itself is pretty foolproof: You grab the club normally with your lead hand, putting your trail hand at the bottom of the grip, and begin making swings. Your goal is to get both arms as straight as possible, as soon as possible in the downswing.
How do you Drop the ball in golf?
When you’re all set and ready to pull the trigger, move your hands into the golf address position without changing your grip or your lower body position. Now, taking the “club” straight back away from the imaginary golf ball, make a SLOW AND EASY swing with relaxed hands and you’ll see how the ‘drop’ happens on its own.
What is the dropping drill?
Description: The Dropping Drill is designed to help those that chronically slice the ball because they come over the top. It teaches how to get the club down to the inside and on plane. Start with a mid or short iron at first. As you get comfortable this drill can even be done with your longer clubs including the driver.
Do You Drop Your Hands on the downswing?
If you’re body is moving on the downswing, you’d better be pulling both arms or they’re going to get left behind. More sharing options… Now as someone else mentioned, dropping hands is not always a good thing for everyone’s swing. Not all pro’s have that Love, Garcia, CHIII hand drop. You may not want it.