Do you choose the color of your lightsaber?

Kyber Crystals in Canon Kyber crystals can be found on a variety of planets, but they’re all initially clear in color. When a Force-user bonds with a Kyber, it changes into a specific color that will determine its lightsaber blade color.

What color lightsaber is most common?

Blue. Blue is the color of the very first lightsaber we see, and it’s by far the most common hue. Since Luke wields it, one might easily assume that blue corresponds with younger Jedi.

What does the color of your lightsaber mean?

Around 4000 BBY, lightsaber crystals were used to indicate a Jedi’s chosen class. Blue indicated a Jedi Guardian, a Jedi who used the Force on a more physical level. Green indicated a Jedi Consular, a Jedi who preferred to reflect on the mysteries of the Force and fight the dark side at its heart.

What is the rarest color of a lightsaber?

Yellow lightsabers are some of the rarest blades to be wielded by a member of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and Rey Skywalker have been known to utilize them on occasion, but they are primarily the blade color of the Jedi Sentinel.

What is the rarest Kyber crystal?

For this list, we’ll go with the Ghostfire crystal, making it the rarest and most dangerous lightsaber crystal in Star Wars Legends.

What color is Princess Leia’s lightsaber?

Leia Organa’s lightsaber was a blue-bladed lightsaber powered by a kyber crystal in the core of the hilt. It was silver and copper in color and featured mother-of-pearl inlays.

Is the Darksaber a Kyber crystal?

And yes, according to the Ultimate Star Wars reference book, the Darksaber does in fact house a Kyber crystal.

Is the Darksaber a lightsaber?

An ancient lightsaber that serves as a powerful symbol of leadership to the Mandalorians, the Darksaber is a unique weapon with a black-energy blade lined with a crackling white edge.