Do upside down catfish change color?

At night, the fish are very active and the body becomes pale. The change in color is more noticeable in the dorsal than the ventral skin.

How long do Featherfin catfish live?

The Featherfin Squeaker is fairly large and a long-lived catfish. It can get up to 11.8 inches (30 cm) in length, though they usually only obtain 6 – 8” (15-20 cm) in the aquarium. They commonly have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years, but there are reports of them living up to 25 years.

Why is my fish white and fuzzy?

Fungal infections Fungal spores naturally populate fish tanks, but sick, stressed or injured fish can cause a dangerous increase. These infections manifest as a white cotton-wool-like growth on the skin, mouth, fins or gills.

Why is my catfish losing color?

If the water quality declines, your fish are likely to become stressed and may even become more susceptible to disease. Aquarium fish that are stressed or ill are unlikely to display their optimal coloration and they may even fade in color as a result of stress.

Why did my catfish turn yellow?

Jaundice Disease in Catfish. Jaundice is a condition of yellow colouration in the abdominal skin, sclera of the eyes and fin bases. It is a significant health problem affecting the most of freshwater catfishes. Jaundice is due to an excess of bile pigment present in the blood and lymph.

Are Featherfin catfish nocturnal?

They will also readily accept live foods as well. They should be fed just before the lights are turned off, because, like most catfish, it is nocturnal.

Are Featherfin catfish territorial?

As we said before, the Featherfin Catfish is a territorial fish. However, if given some driftwood or decor to claim as their own, they will be generally peaceful and accept a wide variety of tank mates. Regarding other Featherfin Catfishes, the larger the aquarium the better.

How do you treat white fuzz on fish?

What should I do?

  1. Treat with Fungus and Finrot treatment – Increase aeration.
  2. Support fish with Aquilibrium first aid salt to help their immune system.
  3. Test water for irregularities and treat accordingly.

Is white fungus harmful to fish?

What is white mold? White mold is a type of fungus that’s very dangerous for your fish, and can create eye infections, swim bladders, digestion problems, and other health issues. So it’s essential you do everything to prevent it and that you remove it as soon as you spot it. A fungus treatment usually does the trick.

What fish can I put Featherfin catfish?

Companions should be peaceful and larger than 5cm (2″) in length (otherwise they may be predated upon) ; good tankmates could include some of the medium sized tetras, barbs, gouramis, knifefish, large loricariids, rainbowfish, or some of the robust West African cichlid species.

Why is my catfish turning white?

Your cory catfish is turning white because it’s stressed or ill. If you just bought your cory, it’s likely just turning white or pale because it’s adjusting to the new environment. Once your cory has acclimatized properly, its color will turn darker and richer again.