Do students like Franklin and Marshall?

There are many students at F&M that are very bright, but like to have fun as well. The students are friendly, involved and diversified in the types of activites in which they participate. We are a small community so it is easy to recognize faces and have overlap of people in activities.

Is Franklin and Marshall worth the money?

Within Pennsylvania, Franklin and Marshall is a Great Quality for a Good Price. Franklin and Marshall College is ranked #8 out of #123 in Pennsylvania for quality and #39 out of #111 for Pennsylvania value. This makes it a great quality for a good price in the state.

What is Franklin and Marshall College known for?

These days, the institution is a well-regarded liberal arts college home to top-notch research and innovative student programming. One unique component of life as an F&M student is the “Harry Potter”-esque living situation.

Is Franklin & Marshall a party school?

Tons of raging parties almost any night of the week.

Is F&M Ivy League?

Franklin & Marshall College is among a select group of colleges—including the Ivy League and many leading liberal arts colleges and research universities—that dedicate their financial aid resources to need-based financial aid and meet the full demonstrated need of every student they accept for all four years.

Is Franklin and Marshall preppy?

Franklin and Marshall College Top Questions F&M is fairly preppy in its stereotype. People usually dress nicely for class and wear brand name clothes. People often say we are very studious, but that is not always true at all. Some people definitely don’t take their studies so seriously.

What does Lux et Lex meaning?

Light and Law
Franklin and Marshall College took as its motto the Latin phrase Lux et Lex, which translates in English to “Light and Law”. This reversed the Marshall College motto Lex et Lux.

What do students say about Bucknell?

Bucknell is beautiful, open, and welcoming in every sense of the word. There is excellent food, nice dorms and great faculty who will come and eat lunch with you if you invite them. The social scene is mostly Greek dominated, so over 50% of the student population is involved in Greek Life.

What college are the diplomats?

But in F&M’s first home game of the season—Oct. 5 against Philadelphia Military College (PMC)—“Diplomats” appears in the program: “Last year under Coach Holman, the Diplomats went through one of the most successful seasons in its history.”

Is Bucknell prestigious?

Bucknell comes out strong in numerous collegiate rankings, often landing in the top 100 of various lists. Niche named it the 29th best liberal arts college in America, putting it near or below many of the other “Little Ivies” and the fourth-best liberal arts college in Pennsylvania.

How liberal is Bucknell?

Most Bucknell students are from New York, PA, and MD. Students don’t seem very politically active and I would say while campus is still fairly liberal, for a college campus it is pretty conservative. The LGBT and ethnic roups on campus are pretty active and visible on campus though the student body is not very diverse.

How hard is it to become a diplomat?

The process to become a diplomat is a rigorous one. You have to possess many skills and have the right experience to convince the interviewers that you are right for the job. Moreover, there are always thousands of applicants for one diplomat job.