Do Lutherans practice closed communion?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran Church in America, however, does not practice closed communion, but rather “eucharistic hospitality.” In terms of guests receiving the Sacrament, according to this practice, the burden of decision of admittance to the Sacrament is not on the host …

Does LCMS have open communion?

The LCMS endorses the doctrine of close or closed communion—the policy of sharing the Eucharist ordinarily only with those who are baptized and confirmed members of one of the congregations of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or of a congregation of one of its sister churches with which it has formally declared altar …

What does the LCMS believe about communion?

Congregations in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) practice closed communion (close is used by some in place of closed), meaning that Lutheran catechetical instruction is required for all people before receiving the Eucharist, though some congregations in …

Why do Lutherans believe in closed communion?

The practice of giving Holy Communion to only those of your denomination is what many Catholic, Orthodox, confessional Lutheran and other Christians call “closed Communion.” It upholds a deep, reverent understanding of the Lord’s supper and limits it to those instructed about the supper and all other doctrines of …

Can ELCA take communion at LCMS?

Unlike certain other American Lutheran church bodies, the ELCA practices open communion, permitting all persons baptized in the name of the Trinity with water to receive communion. Some congregations also commune baptized infants, similarly to Eastern Orthodox practice.

Why do Lutherans practice closed communion?

Why would a church have closed communion?

The church for 2,000 years has closed Holy Communion to those who are not in agreement with Christ and his teachings. In the early church, those who were not members were brought out of the divine service even before the supper was celebrated. The doors were closed and they were catechized in the teachings of Christ.

What churches have open communion?

Other churches allowing open communion (with or without the baptism requirement) include the Church of the Nazarene, the Evangelical Free Church, the Church of God, Community Churches, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Presbyterian Church in America, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Canada.