Do I need fire blocking in basement?

Fire blocking is required by most local building code departments when a home owner finishes their basement. Whether you hire a contractor, do it yourself, get a permit, choose not to get a permit, the truth is that installing the fire blocking is just a good idea.

Do you need a Vapour barrier in the basement?

Yes, you need a vapor barrier to prevent moisture from inside the home from traveling through the wall and condensing inside the insulation. See also what is the purpose of a vapor barrier. This is not recommended in basements anymore.

Is Vapour barrier fireproof?

Fire Retardant Vapor Barriers are constructed from a heavy-duty, fireproof extrusion laminate. When building codes require a fire retardant plastic, our smooth and string-reinforced sheeting complies due to its high concentration of fire-retardant additives.

When should fire blocking be installed?

1. Fireblocking is required at ceiling and floor levels, and between the top story and the roof space (provided by the wall plates in platform framing). 2. Walls furred off the foundation require fireblocking every 10 ft.

Can insulation be used as fire blocking?

Fiberglass batts may also be used and are the most common way to fireblock soffits at exterior walls. Fireblocking is typically inspected at the time of the insulation inspection and should be complete at that time.

Where should I put the vapor barrier in my basement?

Vapor barriers should be located on the exterior of basement assemblies allowing inward drying to the basement space where moisture can be removed by ventilation or dehumidification.

What can I use for basement vapor barrier?

Not to be confused with a vapor barrier—which is placed on the warm side of the wall just in front of the insulation and behind the drywall— a moisture barrier goes against the basement wall and behind the insulation and framing. The best option for insulating a basement is to use spray foam insulation.

Can fiberglass insulation be used for fire blocking?

When installed properly, fiberglass insulation acts as an effective fire block. However, it often has foil or paper facings that can be combustible, so it’s very important to install the appropriate fireproof barrier along with your fiberglass insulation.

What material can be used for fire blocking?

Fireblocks can be constructed of materials such as 2 inch nominal lumber, structural wood panels, gypsum board, cement fiber board for larger fireblock, and batts or blankets of mineral wool or glass fiber, loose fill insulation, and caulks, sealants, and putties for smaller fireblocks.

Is polyethylene a flame retardant?

The disadvantage of polyethylene (PE) is its flammability, although burning emits a relatively small amount of toxic substances. Polyethylene has a relatively low oxygen index (LOI), and moreover it drips when burning, which further increases the spread of fire [8].

Is polystyrene highly flammable?

Polystyrene is highly flammable and ignites at relatively low temperatures. It has been linked with huge fires, often in commercial buildings and warehouses, where its use is more common.