Do generals wear branch insignia?

Most general officers wear only the “U.S.” insignia on both coat lapels, and no branch insignia; chaplains, judge advocates, and senior branch chiefs such as the Chief Engineer and the Quartermaster General are exceptions to this custom, and wear branch insignia in the same manner as typical officers.

What is the oldest branch in the Army?

the Army
As the oldest branch of the U.S. Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources.

What Army branch has crossed arrows?

the Special Forces branch
The collar insignia worn by members of the Special Forces branch featuring two crossed arrows was first used as a cap insignia by members of the Corps of Indian Scouts, originally established in 1866.

What Army branch is LG?

The officer-only Logistics branch of the United States Army was introduced as part of the creation of a Logistics Corps encompassing the three long-established functional logistics branches of Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation.

Can I wear my army uniform off duty?

a. The wear of military uniforms including physical fitness and JROTC uniforms when off U.S. or Host Nation Installations is prohibited.

What branch goes to war first?

The Marines
The Marines are often the first on the ground in combat situations, leading the charge when conflict arises.

What is the youngest military branch?

The United States Air Force is the youngest branch of the U.S. military for obvious reasons — the first successful airplane was not built until late 1903 by the Wright Brothers. The Air Force began as the Aeronautical Division of the U.S. Signal Corps on August 1, 1907. What is this?

What Army branch is purple?

Current Branch Colors

Color Name Branch Name
Purple/White Civil Affairs Corps
Steel Gray/Black Cyber Corps
Maroon/White Dental Corps Medical Corps Medical Service Corps Army Medical Specialist Corps Veterinary Corps
Golden Yellow/Black Electronic Warfare

What is a 90A MOS?

90A MOS. Job Detail. Serves as the logistics officer responsible for planning and developing logistic operations.

What is a 92a?

OVERVIEW. The automated logistical specialist is primarily responsible for supervising and performing management or warehouse functions in order to maintain equipment records and parts.