Do black bears in the Smoky Mountains hibernate?
Do black bears in the Smoky Mountains hibernate?
Bears in the Smokies are unusual in that they often den high above the ground in standing hollow trees. Bears do not truly hibernate, but enter long periods of sleep. They may leave the den for short periods if disturbed or during brief warming trends.
What months do black bears hibernate?
When the weather grows cold and the food supply finally dries up, they will retreat to their winter dens. Males bed down around mid-December and emerge in mid-March; females, which give birth during the winter and stay with their cubs for two years, remain in their dens longer, from late November to mid-April.
What is the best time to see bears in the Smoky Mountains?
Spring and summer provide the best opportunities to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains. Early morning and late afternoon sightings are more likely, since that is when they forage for food. Black bears avoid activity during the heat of summer days, preferring to lounge in the shade or rest high up in a tree.
Do black bears hibernate in the winter in North Carolina?
What about bears in North Carolina? Based on hundreds of radio-collared black bears studied across the state, we know that the vast majority of our bears hibernate. Females typically hibernate longer than males. North Carolina’s bears just do it for shorter time periods than their northern cousins.
What months do bears hibernate in Tennessee?
One of the animals in the Smoky Mountains that many folks hope to see is the black bear. However, most bears are in their winter dens from mid-December to mid-March so they can be difficult to spot during the winter season.
What time of year are bears most aggressive?
Fatal bear attacks seem to correlate with visitor volume to parks. Most of the fatalities have happened during July and August, when trails are heavily populated. Attacks are minimal December through April, when most bears are hibernating for the winter and spring.
Do bears wake up at all during hibernation?
Some protein is used as well, but bears largely conserve their muscle mass and thus do not become appreciably weaker during hibernation. Bears do wake up, however, and move around inside the den. It’s kind of like your dog sleeping.
What months do bears hibernate in North Carolina?
7) Bears usually begin to enter their winter dens in mid-December and emerge in late March or early April. Bears in eastern North Carolina enter dens as early as November and as late as January.
What county in North Carolina has the most black bears?
Northeastern North Carolina, with Onslow County being included at the southern end, has one of the highest densities of black bears in the country, according to North Carolina Wildlife Commission District Biologist Chris Kent. “We have the largest black bears in the country as well,” said Kent.
What to do if you see a black bear while hiking?
Remain still; stand your ground but slowly wave your arms. Help the bear recognize you as a human. It may come closer or stand on its hind legs to get a better look or smell. A standing bear is usually curious, not threatening.