Did they use real glass in police story?

So much glass was used that the crew began calling the movie “Glass Story”.

What was Jackie Chan most dangerous stunt?

But one of the most dangerous stunts he ever performed was for the 1986 film Armour of God, which almost killed him. In a conversation with Yahoo Entertainment, Jackie recalled that he had been filming a beer-drinking sequence earlier in the day so by the time he got to shooting the stunt, he was drunk.

Is Jackie Chan dubbed in police story?

In the American dubbed version released by New Line, Jackie Chan’s real name is used for his character instead of Kevin. A film print of the Japanese extended cut was discovered in 2012, and transfered to high definition for a Japanese blu-ray release.

How many bones did Jackie Chan break doing his own stunts?

In total, Chan has roughly had 10 broken bones in his extensive career. According to Screen Rant, in Rumble in the Bronx, there is a scene where Chan jumps onto a hoverboard. In an end credit scene, it shows that Chan landed wrong, resulting in a broken ankle.

Did Jackie Chan actually slide down a building?

If dropping off a fairly high clock tower wasn’t enough, 15 years later Chan would do something even riskier. For Who Am I? he decided to slide down the exterior of the 25-storey Willemswerf building in Rotterdam.

Did Jackie Chan do his own stunts in bleeding steel?

HE might not be the steel ball of raw force he was, but at 62, Jackie Chan is still keen to do his own stunts — such as appearing to jump off the Sydney Opera House.

Has Jackie Chan ever killed someone?

K U L A N I on Twitter: “Jackie Chan has never killed anyone with a gun in any of his movies.

Which actor did the most dangerous stunts?

Jackie Chan He’s suffered a multitude of injuries, the most famous one occurring in Armour of God (1986) when a skull fracture almost pierced his brain.

How many times has Jackie Chan gotten hurt?

He’s had a broken nose four times. Chan has suffered from dislocated shoulders, spinal damage, a broken ankle, an eye injury, a lacerated lip, and broken teeth, among others. That’s how dedicated the actor is to stunt work — nothing has ever been a setback for him.