Did the Phoenix Force create Galactus?

Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. In the dying moments of the previous universe, the Force saved all existence from eternal damnation, enabling Eternity to preserve the humanoid Galan, ensuring his re-creation as Galactus.

Is the Phoenix Force the most powerful?

The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, possessing the unlimited power to create and destroy anything and everything.

Who is the best Herald of Galactus?

We rank the 10 most powerful Heralds of Galactus to see who served him best.

  1. 1 1. The Silver Surfer. Perhaps the most famous of Heralds is the Silver Surfer, and what a tragedy his life has been.
  2. 2 2. Morg.
  3. 3 3. Stardust.
  4. 4 4. Nova.
  5. 5 5. Terrax the Tamer.
  6. 6 6. Firelord.
  7. 7 7. Red Shift.
  8. 8 8. Air-Walker.

Is Galactus stronger than the Phoenix Force?

5 Less Powerful: Galactus He is nigh invincible, but that’s only because he hasn’t come into contact with The Phoenix Force. Well, technically, he does encounter Jean Grey in her Phoenix form, in which she easily overcomes him, but this might also be due to his near-starvation state at the time.

Can Celestial beat Phoenix Force?

While one Celestial can be defeated, a host is an entirely different prospect. Three Celestials managed to kill Galactus, and as the Phoenix is no more or less powerful than him multiple Celestials could kill her host, not sure if it is possible to destroy the phoenix force itself.

Is Scarlet Witch stronger than Phoenix?

1 Scarlet Witch The Scarlet Witch has enormous powers as a Nexus Being and user of Chaos Magic. She has also defeated the Phoenix Force in battle.

Who is the most powerful Herald?

Morg was beaten by five cosmically-powered super beings and even that was almost not enough to take him down. Morg’s power from the Well of Life after initially being imbued with the Power Cosmic made him Galactus’ most powerful Herald, and his senselessly evil nature made him the most terrifying Herald as well.

Who would win Scarlet Witch or Phoenix?

While we agree that Scarlet Witch has the ability to go all crazy with her powers, Phoenix Force can’t be ignored at all. Jean Grey with her Phoenix Force, can easily win against Wanda. Her powers are great and Wanda just can’t face the cosmic forces on that level.

Who is stronger Galactus or beyonder?

The Beyonder. The Beyonder’s combined inhuman and mutant abilities made him the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe. Cosmic beings like Galactus, conceptual beings like Eternity, and even Living Tribunal couldn’t stand up to him.