Did the Ontario teachers settle?

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation has already received a payout of $50 million — up to $3,000 per teacher, plus a paid day off — and $56.7 million went to the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

What does collective bargaining mean for teachers?

Collective bargaining gives educators a voice in their workplace. It helps assure fair wages and benefits, im- proving teacher recruitment and retention. Educators also negotiate better teaching and learning conditions.

When did teachers in Ontario become unionized?

The end of World War II put the finishing touches on the form teacher unions were to take in Ontario. The Education Act of 1944 established the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) as the representative of teachers when dealing with the state, institutionalizing five affiliated teacher unions.

What is the largest teachers union in Canada?

As the largest education union in Canada, ETFO actively supports and works with teacher federations, the Ontario Federation of Labour and Canadian Labour Congress to promote union and workers’ rights and to advance a social justice agenda, including advocating for progressive policies to counter income inequality as …

Have Ontario teachers reached an agreement?

Ontario school boards have now ratified three-year deals with all teacher and support staff unions after a round of tough negotiations that led to work-to-rule campaigns and frequent one-day strikes.

What was Bill 115 in Ontario?

As part of an austerity push, the McGuinty government passed Bill 115, which imposed collective agreements on ETFO members, froze their pay, eliminated sick pay and sick pay banks and removed their ability to engage in full strike activity.

Do teachers have a right to engage in collective bargaining?

Teachers, as with other public employees, do not have the constitutional right to collectively bargain (that is for the states to decide). But the First Amendment does provide that people have the right to “peaceably assemble,” which includes the right to join a union (if not as a vehicle for collective bargaining).

How many teacher unions are in Ontario?

All public elementary teachers in Ontario are active members of ETFO provincially and are also members of one of 76 ETFO locals across the province.

Why did teachers unions start?

Teachers’ unions, including the New York City Teachers Union, founded in 1916, and its successor in the American Federation of Teachers, worked not only to improve wages and benefits, but also to promote measures they believed would benefit schools and pupils.

What does the Ontario Teachers Union own?

Through its private equity investment arm, Private Capital, Ontario Teachers’ owns interests in companies such as Munchkin, PODS, Techem, GFL Environmental, and Shearer’s Foods. Ontario Teachers’ also owns Camelot Group PLC, which holds an exclusive licence to operate the U.K. National Lottery.

What are the 4 teachers unions in Ontario?

The four Ontario teacher federations are OTF Affiliates: l’Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO); the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA); and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF).