Did Miley Cyrus wear hair extensions in Hannah Montana?

‘None of it was ever real!’ Miley Cyrus reveals her long flowing hair was down to extensions. As the star of Hannah Montana she was known for her healthy flowing brown hair. But in news sure to disappoint her huge tweenage fanbase Miley Cyrus has revealed that her beautiful head of hair was down to extensions.

Is Miley’s hair a wig?

In the show, Cyrus wore a wig when she was Hannah, her pop star persona. She had her natural brown hair when she was just her normal self, Miley Stewart. But tonight’s hair change is all real, Cyrus told everyone on her Instagram Story. “#NoFilter #NoWig ALL ME!” she captioned a shot of her finished hair from the back.

What is up with Miley’s hair?

The singer chalked up the hairstyle to being a Cyrus. “I think there is something genetically where it just kind of grows naturally shorter up top and longer in the back,” she admitted. “That’s just kind of a natural shape that our hair grows in.” Kimmel joked, “So in a way, you were born to have a mullet.”

Was Miley Cyrus long hair real?

Miley Cyrus has revealed that the long hair she used to have were all extensions in a new interview. The former Hannah Montana star, who shocked fans earlier this year when she had her cascading brunette mane chopped in favour of an edgy, peroxide blonde crop, said the hair was “never real”.

Who made the Hannah Montana wig?

In the Hannah Montana story, the famous blonde wig was picked out for Miley by Roxy. (In real life, the wig was not chosen until the second episode of Season 1….Hannah Montana (Character)

Hannah Montana
Interests: Shopping, Music, Performing
Series Information
Portrayer: Miley Cyrus

Is Miley Cyrus mullet a wig?

She explained that the mullet is “just kind of a natural shape that [our family’s] hair grows in.” Miley’s mullet made its debut back in 2019 and Tish trimmed it in May, though Page Six reports that she got some coaching from superstar stylist Sally Hershberger.

What is Miley Cyrus’s haircut called?

What is Miley Cyrus’s haircut called? Miley Cyrus revived the mullet style at the end of 2019. Now she’s launching a new hybrid hairstyle into the stratosphere: the pixie mullet, or pullet, as it’s known.

Does Miley Cyrus wear hair extensions?

“That’s my Nashville life, my simple life,” she said during an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, referring to the last front cover she did for the magazine. “That’s my simple life yet I have like 350 extensions in my hair.