Did Gabby on Chicago Fire have a baby?

The unborn child was a failed pregnancy between Gabriela Dawson and Matthew Casey. The child is conceived by accident in the episode I Am the Apocalypse, in which the two had sex “to relieve the stress of the day”. In the episode Spartacus, Gabby learns that she’is pregnant.

What happened to Dawson’s adopted son on Chicago Fire?

Louie had been in the foster system when Gabby saved him from a fire and they bonded when she had to coax him out of his hiding place. The woman that had been fostering him couldn’t keep him, so he went back into the foster system. Gabby goes by to visit him at the group home and reads Corduroy to him.

Does Dawson adopt Louie?

Casey and Dawson adopt Louie After saving Louie, Dawson grew attached to the young child and ventured down the route of becoming a foster parent, even though Casey wasn’t 100 percent on board.

Who plays baby Louie Chicago Fire?

Austin Cohen
Austin Cohen (I) Austin Cohen is a 3 year old actor.

What happened to Casey and Dawson baby?

Sadly, in season 4, Dawson lost the baby, and Casey supported her through that process. The couple later married in season 5 so they could adopt a child, but they gave the child to the biological father in the end.

What episode is Dawson pregnant?

I Am the Apocalypse
The unborn child was a failed pregnancy between Gabriela Dawson and Matthew Casey. The child is conceived by accident in the episode I Am the Apocalypse, in which the two had sex “to relieve the stress of the day”.

Does Gabby and Casey adopt Louie?

Gabby and Matthew get married in the show’s 100th episode, “One Hundred,” as part of their efforts to make a strong adoption case and permanently bring Louie into their family.

Does Casey and Dawson have a baby?

Does Dawson and Casey keep Louie?

Gabby and Casey had already bonded with Louie at that point, and the pair wanted to fight for custody of their foster child. In the end, though, the pair decided that they couldn’t bear to part him from his biological family and ultimately agreed to give up custody to Louie’s father.

How did Dawson lose her baby?

Sadly, the baby is lost in Your Day Is Coming due to the pregnancy not being an IUP (intrauterine pregnancy). This type of pregnancy cannot be successful and Will Halstead has full hands with saving Gabby, which he manages after 2 surgeries. Both Matt and Gabby are devastated after this outcome.