What is the difference between sticky rice and sweet rice?

What is the difference between sticky rice and sweet rice? Sticky rice, also called sweet rice and glutinous rice, is used throughout Asia. This round-grained rice is immediately recognizable by its sticky, gluelike texture when cooked. It is the total or near absence of the starch amylose that makes sticky rice so sticky. What is […]

What are the 5 stages of product life cycle with examples?

What are the 5 stages of product life cycle with examples? The 5 stages of the product life cycle The product life cycle is the progression of a product through 5 distinct stages—development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Market research plays an integral role in each stage of the product life cycle. The first stage […]

What is dB loss in coaxial cable?

What is dB loss in coaxial cable? The higher the frequency of the signal passing through the coaxial cable, the higher the loss over a given length. Coaxial cable loss is normally specified in dB loss per 100 feet of cable. For Series 6 cable, typical loss values are as follows: Channel 2 ………… 1.5 […]

How do I write a letter introducing my company?

How do I write a letter introducing my company? How to write a business introduction letter Determine the intent. Research the company or market. Identify a need. Open with a strong statement. Include relevant details. Keep it short and concise. Create a call to action. Close your letter. How do you start a letter of […]

Are wire cages good for rabbits?

Are wire cages good for rabbits? Rabbits were not designed to live on wire floors–they’re hard on their feet (which have no pads like those of cats or dogs). If you must use a cage with a wire floor, you need to provide your rabbit with a resting board or rug for her to sit […]

What are chalk pastels good for?

What are chalk pastels good for? Uses of Chalk Pastels Chalk pastels are designed for impermanent art projects. They are normally used by children to practice their artistic skills. Chalk pastels are generally made out of inexpensive and low-quality pigments that can fade over time. How do you make pastel chalk? Steps Dissolve the binder […]

Why does my Epson printer keep saying wrong paper size?

Why does my Epson printer keep saying wrong paper size? Make sure the paper size selected in the printer software matches the paper size selected on the printer’s control panel. To verify the paper size on the printer’s control panel press, Home if necessary, then select Setup > Paper Setup. If this does not resolve […]

How many janya ragas are there?

How many janya ragas are there? 72 ragas Janya ragas are Carnatic music ragas derived from the fundamental set of 72 ragas called Melakarta ragas, by the permutation and combination of the various ascending and descending notes. What is Janaka and janya raga? The ragas that are derived from any of the Melakartha raga is […]

Can you visit the Royal College of Surgeons?

Can you visit the Royal College of Surgeons? Following advice from the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges to proceed with care, the College is maintaining a prudent approach to COVID-19 for the safety of our visitors and staff. We recommend that visitors and members undertake a lateral flow test in the 24-48 hours before visiting […]

Who wrote the 1689 Baptist Confession?

Who wrote the 1689 Baptist Confession? John Calvin John Calvin knew that if the biblical truths rediscovered at the Reformation were to spread throughout the world, they would have to be presented in a form that ordinary people could understand. What is the significance of 1689? Toleration Act, (May 24, 1689), act of Parliament granting […]

Where are artificial flowers manufactured?

Where are artificial flowers manufactured? Production. The industry is now highly specialized with several different manufacturing processes. Hundreds of artificial flower factories in the Pearl River delta area of Guangdong province in China have been built since the early 1980s. How are artificial flowers manufactured? The manufacture of high-quality artificial flowers made of silk, rayon, […]

What is a natural stimulant?

What is a natural stimulant? Natural stimulants are substances derived from plants, roots or other natural sources that stimulate central nervous system activity. Like synthetic stimulants, natural stimulants can enhance focus and calmness, boost learning, stabilize mood and assist with impulse control. What is a natural alternative to Ritalin? Gingko biloba is an herbal supplement […]