What is the purpose of magnetic contactor? Magnetic contactors are used in the electric motors to balance the change in frequency of the motor or the state of the motor which can be termed as the switching of the motor from ON and OFF state. How many types of magnetic contactors are there? This is […]
How do you write a consultant proposal? Writing the Proposal: Write your executive summary. Describe why they should choose you. Write your need/problem statement. Confirm your consultancy solution. Include your experience. Confirm the budget. Ask for feedback. Clarify your terms & conditions. What do consultants do on the bench? The reason: being on the beach […]
Which is correct we or us? When choosing between “we” and “us” you need to determine if it is the subject or the object of a verb. “We” is a subject pronoun and is used in subject position. “Us” is an object pronoun and is used in object position. Which is correct we students or […]
Where can I poo at Reading Festival? There are two in Reading town centre, one outside Reading Town Hall at the end of Friar Street and another in St Mary’s Butts, outside Reading Market. Both will come in handy during the August Bank Holiday Festival but there’s a catch – they can only be used […]
How can you tell the difference between a mold or cast fossil? The mineralized impression of the organism left in the sediment is called a mold. The mineralized sediment that fills the mold recreates the shape of the remains. This is called a cast. What is a cast and mold fossil? Sometimes when an animal […]
What is K ary search? A natural idea to boost the speed of searching is, therefore, to not run binary search but k-ary search, k > 2, where each step divides the search space into k parts based on the outcome of k − 1 comparisons (e.g., k = 5 for the Cell with 4-way […]
How do you use eddingtons egg poacher? The Eddingtons double yellow egg poacher will hook over the rim of most saucepans or sit on the base of the pan. Simply crack the egg into the poaching cup and within moments you have poached eggs to perfection. The perforated base allows the water to circulate freely. […]
What is a call and response called in music? In Western classical music, call-and-response is loosely known as “polychoral antiphony.” It is typically performed by two choirs that interact with each other through alternate musical phrases. What is a call and response melody? Considered a democratic act in which more than one individual is needed […]
What is joining the Navy backwards? (“Your love’s more deadly than Saddam / That’s why I gotta drop da bomb! “) The chorus of the tune is “Yvan eht Nioj,” which is “Join the Navy” backwards; the Party Posse turns out to be a secret project by the US Navy to boost recruitment numbers through […]
What happens when you prestige in mw2? Once the player enters Prestige Mode for the first time in Modern Warfare 2, they will be rewarded with a sixth custom class slot. The same occurs at every odd prestige level, so a total of five additional custom class slots can be unlocked by Prestige Level 9. […]
What is the punishment for animal cruelty in Florida? Animal cruelty is a crime charged as a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by up 12 months in jail and a maximum fine of $5,000. Aggravated animal cruelty is defined as causing a cruel death or causing “excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering” to […]
What are the 4 main schools of psychology? The analysis of four major classical schools of psychology is done in this chapter: (1) structuralism, a subjective epistemological system, (2) functionalism, a quasi-objective action system, (3) Gestalt psychology, both a subjective and quasi-objective cognitive system, and (4) classical Watsonian behaviorism, an … Is Freud ethnocentric? A […]