What is the order of command on a ship? Deck officers are licensed mariners who are responsible for the navigation and safe passage of the ship. Chief mate. Second mate. Third mate. Deck cadet. Boatswain. Able bodied seaman. Ordinary seaman. Chief engineer. What do command ships do? Command ships serve as the flagships of the […]
How many Hall of Fame QBS are there? That topic led to an idea to rank each of the 28 quarterbacks who have already received enshrinement in Canton, Ohio. Below is a ranking of the quarterbacks who are currently in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Who has the most Hall of Fame quarterbacks? Tom […]
What is the best example of a bribe? Examples of active bribery Bribing a public official in order to: Channelling bribes to win public contracts through a consultant. Payment of small bribes to customs officials to expedite passage of goods through a port. Employing a public official’s son to influence the award of contracts. What […]
Do you have to pay back tuition assistance Army? You can only participate in up to two tuition assistance funded classes at a time. You have to pay back tuition assistance if you don’t maintain a satisfactory grade, and you won’t get further tuition assistance until it is paid back. First-time applicants must have at […]
How do you administer corticosteroids? The main routes of administration of corticosteroids are : – Oral (by ingestion through the mouth) e.g., prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone. – Parenteral (intravenous or intramuscular) e.g., methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone. How is prednisolone produced? Prednisolone is synthesized either by microbiological dehydrogenation of C1–C2 bond in hydrocortisone [16–19], or […]
What famous music is public domain? “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” was written by of New York City music publishers and songwriters known as Tin Pan Alley. As more than 95 years have passed, the original song is now in the public domain in the United States. How do I find out if […]
Why would a smoke detector go off for no reason? The most likely reason smoke detectors go off unexpectedly is that people aren’t changing the batteries in them often enough. In most sensors you might think of, the strength of the signal goes up when they detect what they’re supposed to. What triggers false alarm […]
What time is partial solar eclipse? When and where to watch: The April 30, 2022, partial solar eclipse starts in the far southeastern Pacific near the coast of Antarctica at 18:45 UTC. The deepest part of the eclipse is almost due south of the southern tip of South America at 20:41 UTC. Is there a […]
Do you need a fishing license to fish Gloucester Point pier? A public fishing license is sponsored for the pier, but registration with the Virginia Fisherman ID Program is required. Register by calling (800) 723-2728 or register for a public fishing license online. The fishing pier is open 24 hours/day. Do you need a license […]
What can you use Swiffer wet pads on? You can use the Swiffer Sweeper on any type of finished floor, including hardwood, laminate, tile, and vinyl. It’s not compatible with carpeting, unfinished wood flooring, or unfinished tile. Can you reuse Swiffer Wet Jet pads? Wet disposable cleaning pads created by Proctor and Gamble for the […]
Why does my scooter charger get hot? Is it normal for a battery charger to become very hot? The answer is, yes. The charger becomes hottest during what we call the “bulk charging phase”, which is when most of the battery’s capacity becomes recharged. When should I charge my electric scooter? When storing for long […]
How fast is NBN Fibre? NBN says average FTTN speeds 10 times faster than ADSL “Fibre-to-the-node is able to provide average wholesale download speeds of about 70Mbps. This is approximately 10 times faster than average ADSL speeds in Australia,” an NBN spokesperson said. Does Telstra own Fibre? What is Telstra Velocity? Telstra Velocity® is Telstra’s […]