Can a span have a class CSS? How to style text with the span tag. If you want to makes some particular text or any other content different from the rest, you can wrap it in a span tag, give it a class attribute, then select it with the attribute value for styling. Can we […]
Is the 1903 Springfield a good rifle? The Springfield Rifle in Service Accuracy was excellent, out to an effective range of 656 to 1,000 yards, with hits possible at 2,500 yards. Due to its range, the 1903 rifle was also used as a sniper rifle. Was the M1903 used in Vietnam? It also remained in […]
What is World Polio Day Rotary? World Polio Day is celebrated on October 24th. World Polio Day was established by Rotary International to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. When did World Polio Day start? World Polio Day 2021. World Polio Day (October 24) […]
What is Frosty the Snowman catchphrase? Frosty: ‘Cause when the thermometer gets all reddish, the temperature goes up. And when the temperature goes up, I start to melt! And when I start to melt, I get all wishy-washy. What were frosty the snowman’s last words? In the animated holiday special “Frosty the Snowman,” what were […]
How do I check my Confederate money? Most real CSA currency contains writing – most bills have hand written numbering and signatures — in iron gall ink. Some denominations used a stamp for numbering but at the very least the treasurer had to sign the note. What is a Confederate $1 bill worth? between $5 […]
How many fish can you have in a 36 gallon tank? One Inch Per Gallon The most widely known rule for stocking a tank is the one inch of fish per one or two gallons of water rule. How many fish can I put in a 35 gallon saltwater tank? I’ve always used the rule […]
Why do the Ferengi wear headdress? I have a question for you: Why do all the other Ferengi at least sometimes wear that headdress, dust skirt thing and Quark never does? It’s because our prosthetic head only reached to the just above the neckline and they needed something to help cover it up, hence the […]
Is Captain Qwark in Ratchet and Clank rift apart? Qwark makes a minor appearance in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, which also introduces his alternate universe counterpart, Captain Quantum. Is Qwark a villain? Initially, he is an antagonist in the first two games, but in the third onwards he became a protagonist, despite still being […]
How much does it cost to build a lean to shed? The average cost to build a shed is $3,634, with most homeowners paying between $1,767 to $9,567. The average cost to build a shed is $3,634, with most homeowners paying between $1,767 to $9,567 (or $20 to $175 per square foot). Small-scale shed-building projects […]
What are examples of selectors? All CSS Simple Selectors Selector Example Example description .class .intro Selects all elements with class=”intro” element.class p.intro Selects only elements with class=”intro” * * Selects all elements element p Selects all elements What is the most specific selector? ID selectors ID selectors: ID selectors are the most specific. These select […]
Why did Armenians move to Cilicia? The Caliphate’s occupation of Cilicia and of other areas in Asia Minor led many Armenians to seek refuge and protection further west in the Byzantine Empire, which created demographic imbalances in the region. What is Cilicia called today? Turkey Cilicia is the ancient Roman name for the southeastern region […]
Can you stream from Mac to PS3? Go to Library > Media Sharing, and check “Share Media.” Press “OK,” then wait a few moments for your PS3 to show up as one of the devices. Then select it, click “Allow,” then “OK.” Step 1: Download and install PS3 Media Server (free). This will allow your […]