Can you have a drag and drop in PowerPoint? You are able drag and drop objects while in presentation mode. The Macro seemed to have been made for older versions of PowerPoint. How do you drag and drop text in PowerPoint? Before you can move or arrange text, you’ll need to select it. Click next […]
What is the answer to the impossible quiz number 3? The answer to this question is “Fine”, the only one of the options written the right way up, which makes sense since if you read the question upside-down, “Fine” is the only option that looks upside-down from that perspective. What is the answer to question […]
Can you make money live betting? Live or in-play betting allows you to make bets while the game in progress. Some people will also refer to this as ‘in-running bets’. As the game is in action and the clock tick down, the odds will continually change giving professional sports betters margins in which they can […]
What is average SAT score for MIT? Reading and Writing 730-780, Math 780-800 (2019–20)Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Typical SAT scores What ACT score do I need to get into MIT? 36 Average ACT: 35 In other words, a 34 places you below average, while a 36 will move you up to above average. There’s […]
Which tribes are Nguni? The Nguni is divided into four groups – Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and the Ndebele. They represent about two-thirds of South Africa’s Black population. The history of the Nguni people is captured in their oral tradition. Where does the Nguni tribe originate from? The Nguni people were traditionally cattle herders believed to […]
What is difference between a ControlTemplate and a DataTemplate in WPF? A ControlTemplate will generally only contain TemplateBinding expressions, binding back to the properties on the control itself, while a DataTemplate will contain standard Binding expressions, binding to the properties of its DataContext (the business/domain object or view model). What is DataContext in WPF? The […]
What are the different ways to connect database in C#? 3 Answers 1.ADO.NET. Fastest way, but requires lot of manual coding. You should manually setup database connections, open and close them, create commands, provide parameters to commands and execute commands. Linq. It’s not way to connect to database. Entity Framework. What is database connection in […]
How much time do you get for burglary in Ohio? Penalties for Burglary in Ohio This offense can incur between two and eight years in prison and/or fines up to $15,000. Burglary is punishable as a felony of the third degree when the alleged offender intents to commit a criminal offense inside, but no other […]
O que é anatomia e Fisiologia do corpo humano? A anatomia (do grego ana = em partes; tomein = cortar) estuda a constituição do organismo humano, enquanto a fisiologia (do grego physis = natureza; logos = estudo) estuda as suas funções, ou seja, os eventos físicos e químicos magistralmente orquestrados para promoverem VIDA. O que […]
What are good volleyball quotes? Inspirational Volleyball Quotes “There’s nothing worse than the feeling of wishing you had another chance at a play because you weren’t ready. “It’s important to just kind of get away from your sport until you miss it . . . “Adversity, if you allow it to, will fortify you and […]
How old is Courtney Bingham? 36 years (September 5, 1985)Courtney Sixx / Age How did Nikki Sixx and Courtney Bingham meet? How did Nikki Sixx meet Courtney Bingham? Courtney said in an interview that the two of them met through a mutual friend in 2011. They spoke on the phone for a while, became friends and […]
What is Lil Mister real name? Police told the Chicago Sun-Times that Lil Mister—real name Antwon Fields—sustained a bullet wound to the head at around 7:15 p.m. local time in the Englewood neighborhood. The rapper was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead. Who is Lil Mister related […]