Does the alternator charge the battery while the car is off?

Does the alternator charge the battery while the car is off? The alternator is responsible for recharging the car battery and powering electrical systems of the car such as the radio, lights, ignition, etc. A corroded or defective alternator diode will faultily continue charging the circuit even when the car off. Does alternator produce AC […]

Hoe komen we aan energie?

Hoe komen we aan energie? Energie ontstaat niet zomaar. Daar is een energiebron voor nodig. Er zijn verschillende soorten energiebronnen. Zonnepanelen, windmolens en waterkracht zijn milieuvriendelijk en kunnen met gas of steenkool gestookte elektriciteitscentrales vervangen. Waar komt het gas van Vandebron vandaan? Vandebron biedt alleen energie aan die écht duurzaam is opgewekt op Nederlandse bodem. […]

What is a drive away carrier?

What is a drive away carrier? Driveaway drivers are typically full-time employees of the transportation companies that employ them. They are considered long-haul truckers, transporting cars around the country, though they can also work locally transporting vehicles from one dealership to another. What can I use instead of driving? Seven Car Alternatives And Their Benefits […]

How many IGCSE subjects are required in Kenya?

How many IGCSE subjects are required in Kenya? Most students take IGCSE examinations in nine subjects: Mathematics, English Language and English Literature, and at least one Science subject are compulsory. We also expect students to take at least one Humanities subject and a Modern Foreign Language. What subjects does IGCSE have? The IGCSE Curriculum core […]

Can police run your plates for no reason in Pennsylvania?

Can police run your plates for no reason in Pennsylvania? To answer your question, yes, police officers can check license plates at any time for any reason. Here’s why: Your license plate is in public view, so it is not by itself a search or seizure under the Fourth Amendment. In simpler words, it is […]

Why is my crank arm loose?

Why is my crank arm loose? The crank arms and pedals go through the most pressure while riding the bike. That’s why the loose crank arm is a common problem every cyclist faces. However, it can happen because of loose bolts or broken threads, or even damaged bearing. Why does my bike crank arm keep […]

What is the 9th Natural Wonder of the World?

What is the 9th Natural Wonder of the World? 9. Victoria Falls, border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. A gorgeous and one of the most popular waterfalls in the world is found on the Zambezi River in Africa. What is the 7th natural wonder of the world? Northern Lights Just as there is a natural wonder […]

Are lemon sharks aggressive?

Are lemon sharks aggressive? Lemon sharks are a non-aggressive species, not prone to biting unless provoked or threatened. There have only been 22 reported instances of a lemon shark biting a person, and zero fatalities. They grow up to roughly ten feet in length, and get their name from the yellowish tinge to their skin. […]

Who was the ace of spades in Iraq?

Who was the ace of spades in Iraq? The highest-ranking cards, starting with the aces and kings, were used for the people at the top of the most-wanted list. The ace of spades is Saddam Hussein, the aces of clubs and hearts are his sons Qusay and Uday respectively, and the ace of diamonds is […]

Can active duty military get life insurance?

Can active duty military get life insurance? When you are an active duty member of the military, one of the benefits you can receive is life insurance through the VA’s Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program. How much life insurance do military get? Upon enlistment, servicemembers automatically have the maximum $400,000 of SGLI coverage. Servicemembers […]

Is Farhat Hashmi a doctor?

Is Farhat Hashmi a doctor? She holds a PhD degree in Islamic studies from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and was formerly a lecturer and assistant professor at the Faculty of Usul-al-Din at International Islamic University, Islamabad. What is Fahm ul Quran? Naming. Tafhim is derived from the Arabic word fahm which means “understanding”. Why […]

What is a multi Cal am 15?

What is a multi Cal am 15? Put your lower receiver in your safe and buy the rest of the parts now or later when you are ready to build your custom AR-15. This Anderson lower is marked “Multi-Cal” which means you may build any caliber; . 22LR, 9mm, . 45 ACP, 5.56, . What […]