What does loco moco stand for?

What does loco moco stand for? crazy booger June 10, 2020. “Loco moco” means crazy booger in (mexican) spanish. Who invented the Loco Moco? A group of about 15 teenage boys in Hilo, Hawaii, called the Lincoln Wreckers was credited with inventing loco moco in a diner in 1949. Hawaiian native Dr. George Takahashi, 84, […]

What is the definition of a price support?

What is the definition of a price support? Definition of price support : artificial maintenance of prices (as of a raw material) at some predetermined level usually through government action. What was price support Great Depression? Terms in this set (48) price support. government would buy surplus crops at guaranteed prices and sell them on […]

How do you define a composite primary key?

How do you define a composite primary key? A composite primary key, also called a composite key, is a combination of two or more columns to form a primary key for a table….2. Composite Primary Keys The composite primary key class must be public. It must have a no-arg constructor. It must define the equals() […]

Which states win Powerball the most?

Which states win Powerball the most? There are 45 total Powerball states plus Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. We compiled a list of states with the MOST Powerball jackpot winners in the history of the game….Powerball Jackpot Winners By State* State Number of Jackpots Won Indiana 39 Missouri 31 Minnesota 22 Wisconsin […]

What is incident ownership?

What is incident ownership? Legal Definition of incident of ownership : any of several rights (as the right to change beneficiaries) that may be exercised over a life insurance policy which are used as criteria for the inclusion of the value of a policy in a decedent’s gross estate for purposes of estate tax. What […]

What happens at a Goth club?

What happens at a Goth club? This means that Goth events are often a place where you can explore different styles of dress, dance and self-expression. The mood is often low-key, with a wide variety in what people wear, what sort of music is played and the things people choose to do while at the […]

How long did it take to film The Bodyguard?

How long did it take to film The Bodyguard? 17 years It took 17 years to get The Bodyguard from script to screen The Bodyguard was ushered into theaters on November 25, 1992. Where did they film The Bodyguard? Los Angeles The Bodyguard was shot in Los Angeles, California, USA. Filming locations included The Mayan, […]

How many parts of the spine are there?

How many parts of the spine are there? The spine itself has three main segments: the cervical spine, the thoracic spine, and the lumbar spine. The cervical is the upper part of the spine, made up of seven vertebrae (bones). The thoracic is the center portion of the spine, consisting of 12 vertebrae. The lower […]

Does roof insulation need air gap?

Does roof insulation need air gap? Insulation is technically a solid with a lot of air in it therefore, it is NOT an air gap. You literally must have a VOID, nothing in the air gap except air itself. So if you are installing under a roof or in a wall, you must create an […]

What are the 4 macromolecules and their functions?

What are the 4 macromolecules and their functions? The four main macromolecules are proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids. They are an important part of the cell and perform essential functions. Proteins are required for growth and maintenance, immunity and also act as enzymes, hormones, etc. Carbohydrates are the main energy source. What are the […]

What pH is best for hair?

What pH is best for hair? between 4.5-5.5 Here’s the science bit – pH plays an important role in the strength of your hair. The pH scale runs from zero to 14, with 0 – 6 being the acidic side, 7 being neutral and 8-14 being alkaline. Your hair’s natural pH should sit somewhere between […]

How do you make carrot potato and parsnip soup?

How do you make carrot potato and parsnip soup? Potato, Carrot and Parsnip Soup 4 tbsp. Kowalski’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided. 1 cup diced onions. 8 oz. 4 carrots, peeled, sliced into 1/8″ slices on the diagonal. 4 parsnips, peeled, sliced into ⅛” slices on the diagonal. 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth. 1 ¼ […]