What does IGBT mean?

What does IGBT mean? insulated-gate bipolar transistor IGBT stands for insulated-gate bipolar transistor. Figure (a) shows the symbol of an IGBT. It is a power transistor that combines an input MOS and an output bipolar transistor. Figure (b) shows an example of the IGBT structure. A P region is formed on the drain side of […]

What is a T50 ISO tank?

What is a T50 ISO tank? The UN Portable Tank T50 designation is used to describe tanks that are qualified to legally ship liquefied compressed gases and chemicals under pressure. These thick-walled tank containers can be used for products such as refrigerant gases, LPG, Anhydrous Ammonia, Chlorine and other hazardous products. What is the tare […]

Who was John Doe 24?

Who was John Doe 24? 24 (born c. 1929, died November 28, 1993) was the name given to a deaf and later blind man in Jacksonville, Illinois, who was put in a mental institution in 1945 as a teenager. He spent 30 years at the Lincoln Developmental Center, and was transferred several times, eventually to […]

What did the 2012 Health and Social Care Act do?

What did the 2012 Health and Social Care Act do? The main aims of the Act are to change how NHS care is commissioned through the greater involvement of clinicians and a new NHS Commissioning Board; to improve accountability and patient voice; to give NHS providers new freedoms to improve quality of care; and to […]

Can you sync GoodReader between devices?

Can you sync GoodReader between devices? GoodReader can automatically sync* individual files and entire folders to their remote versions hosted on online servers of the following types: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, box.com, SugarSync and also any WebDAV, AFP, SMB, FTP* or SFTP server. How do I transfer GoodReader to my computer? To transfer a folder, […]

What color code is 6 digits?

What color code is 6 digits? Hex is a 6-digit, 24 bit, hexidecimal number that represents Red, Green, and Blue. An example of a Hex color representation is #123456 , 12 is Red, 34 is Green, and 56 is Blue. Can hex be 3 digits? 3 Digit HEX Value The 3-digit hex code is a […]

What are the four levels of proficiency?

What are the four levels of proficiency? 0-5 Language Proficiency Levels 0 – No Proficiency. At this lowest level, there is basically no knowledge of the language. 1 – Elementary Proficiency. 2 – Limited Working Proficiency. 3 – Professional Working Proficiency. 4 – Full Professional Proficiency. 5 – Native / Bilingual Proficiency. What are skills […]

Can you sell a house with a cesspool in RI?

Can you sell a house with a cesspool in RI? If I want to sell my house, do I have to replace my cesspool? Under the Cesspool Act, any cesspool serving a property subject to sale or transfer with a closing date on or after January 1, 2016, must be removed from service within one […]

Can you cold press castor oil?

Can you cold press castor oil? Cold-pressed castor oil is derived by first pressing of castor seeds without applying any heat and without adding any chemicals to it. It is the purest form of oil as herbal properties and healing benefits of castor oil remains unharmed during the extraction process. Can you do a castor […]

What site can I buy credit card numbers?

What site can I buy credit card numbers? Here are the best online tools for generating random credit numbers with CVV. These numbers can be used for purchasing premium paid SEO tools accounts. Creditcardvalidator. The credit card validator tool is the best among the many that are available online. Creditcardrush. Getcreditcardnumber. Prepostseo. Coolgenerator. How much […]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a smart card?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a smart card? Advantages of smart cards are that they provide enhanced security for private data, can hold different types of data and keep valuable data safe from deletion or theft. Disadvantages are that they are more expensive due to their complexity and are only compatible with certain […]

What are the 5 trends in ICT?

What are the 5 trends in ICT? Technology Trends 2016 #1: Spreading intelligence throughout the cloud. #2: Self-managing devices. #3: Communication beyond sight and sound. #4: Fundamental technologies reshaping what networks can do. #5: Weaving security and privacy into the IoT fabric. What is the latest trends in IT industry? Cloud computing jobs are on […]