Can Gallup be trusted? Poll analyst Nate Silver found that Gallup’s results were the least accurate of the 23 major polling firms Silver analyzed, having the highest incorrect average of being 7.2 points away from the final result. Is Michael Gallup worth keeping? Gallup was expected to command this type of contract with the season […]
Are Black sea snakes poisonous? Sea Snake Venom Most sea snakes are highly venomous. Some are even more venomous than cobras! The venom is a deadly mixture of neurotoxins and myotoxins. However, humans rarely get bitten, and when they do, the snakes rarely deliver venom. Are there sea snakes in the Philippines? Hydrophis semperi, commonly […]
What does Hamzad mean? Urdu Word ہَمزاد – Hamzaad Meaning in English is Ghost. What is the purpose of Qareen? Here, the Qareen refers to demons, who cast evil suggestions, but also to angels, who advise to do good deeds. Further the Qareen is depicted as the other self: an integral spirit that is part […]
What is the purpose of a block and bleed valve? The purpose of the block and bleed valve system is to isolate or block the flow of fluid in the system so the fluid from upstream does not reach other components of the system that are downstream. What is the function of block valve? Block […]
Who was the best Joker of all time? Heath Ledger Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight) Not only has he become the definitive Joker – compared endlessly to new and old actors alike – but Ledger has more iconic scenes in The Dark Knight (opens in new tab) than most actors do in a career. Who […]
Is it a historian or an historian? In the 18th and 19th century, the standard rule was to say ‘an historian’, but over the course of the 20th century, American English has tended to shift away from that and say ‘a historian’. But British English still tends to say ‘an historian’. Which is correct grammar […]
What do rave glasses do? Diffraction Glasses (Not to be confused with Kaleidoscope Glasses) are the essential new visual accessory designed to enhance raves, concerts, festivals and firework shows. Diffraction Glasses help the wearer feel as though they are part of the show or event by enhancing the lights all on their own. How do […]
When did direct election of senators began? 1913 In 1913 the Seventeenth Amendment officially became a part of the U.S. Constitution, providing for the direct popular election of senators. Why was the seventeenth amendment passed in 1913? Eventually, though, the issues were split and it passed both Houses in 1912 and was ratified by the […]
What is Bi phase full wave rectifier? The figure shows a different type of full-wave rectifier. This version uses a transformer secondary of double the normal voltage, but with a center tap, O. As a result, the ac waveforms across AO and BO are always 180° out of phase. For this reason, the circuit is […]
Why did Alexis marry Jeff Colby? Jeff, presumably, first met Alexis when attempting to take her daughter, Fallon Carrington, to their high school prom. He later discovered that Alexis was his ex-aunt in law. In a surprising turn of events, they later get married in a platonic business arrangement during Blake Carrington’s trial proceedings. Is […]
Can reflexology help with a cold? For those who suffer from yearly colds or flu, the immune system may need a boost. Reflexology helps with this by stimulating the lymphatic system, which carries infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body and clears away waste and toxins. What point do you press for a cold? The […]
Is Petra alive Minecraft: Story Mode? If Petra is saved, eventually in the games, she will have her sword knocked out of her hand by Slab while trying to cover Jesse so they can win the race, then stabbed to death by Clutch with a diamond axe. She will respawn afterwards. Does Petra have feelings […]