Are runner beans the same as green beans?

Are runner beans the same as green beans? What is the difference between green beans and runner beans? The answer is simple. Runner beans (phaseolus coccineus) and green beans (phaseolus vulgaris) are completely different plants. Why are runner beans poisonous? Raw runner beans, as do many bean seeds, contain small amounts of the compound lectin […]

What is a norm-referenced score?

What is a norm-referenced score? In short, a test score is norm-referenced if it gives you a number that tells whether a student is roughly average in relation to most similar students of his or her age or grade, the student is relatively above average, or the student is relatively below average. Norm-referenced scores compare […]

What role did the United Nations UN play in the genocide in Rwanda?

What role did the United Nations UN play in the genocide in Rwanda? In the power vacuum created by his death, Rwanda’s Hutu political elite launched a long-planned campaign of genocide. As the mass killings began, the U.N. ordered its blue helmeted troops to evacuate foreigners – but not intervene to save the Tutsis from […]

Does chitin decompose?

Does chitin decompose? Like cellulose, chitin is difficult to purify without altering the structure. The necessity for chitin decomposition in nature seems evident. The constant accumulation of chitin would seriously deplete available carbon and nitrogen reserves. Do bacteria have chitin? Plants, bacteria and protists are not able to make chitin. However, some animals can produce […]

What happens when facial nerve is severed?

What happens when facial nerve is severed? The only situation in which the outcome is known is when the facial nerve has been cut or severed. This usually occurs during an operation near or around the facial nerve. If the nerve is cut it will be unable to recover and surgery is the only option […]

What is Nachfrist?

What is Nachfrist? A situation in which the innocent party sends a final notice to the breaching party requesting him or her to carry out the contractual obligation with a specified period of time is known as Nachfrist a German term describing the situation. What is meant by party autonomy? Party autonomy, i.e., the notion […]

How can I improve my TOEFL writing?

How can I improve my TOEFL writing? 7 Ways to Improve Your TOEFL Writing Score Paraphrase, paraphrase, paraphrase. For TOEFL Independent Writing, do good prewriting. For TOEFL Integrated Writing, focus on the lecture. For TOEFL Integrated Writing, take good notes. Make sure your spellings are understandable. Keep your grammar under control. How do I do […]

Where is AirPort icon on Mac?

Where is AirPort icon on Mac? The menu bar at the very top of your computer and the Airport Icon is 2 to the left of the day and time. the first one is the Sound Icon the 2nd is the Airport Icon. How do I enable AirPort services on my Mac? From the Apple […]

Is the original Xbox One still worth it?

Is the original Xbox One still worth it? Since the original Xbox One is much older, it’s not worth considering now. However, you’re unlikely to find an Xbox One device at these prices now. In January 2022, Microsoft announced that it had stopped manufacturing all Xbox One consoles, including the Xbox One X and Xbox […]

Is TonePros made by Gotoh?

Is TonePros made by Gotoh? Tonepros bridge, this is made in Japan by Gotoh. Where are TonePros made? The TonePros TP6 is designed for US standard,”Nashville” style guitars made in the United States. Saddles are unnotched for custom installation. What are TonePros saddles made of? Saddle Material = Zmac. Bridge Material = Zmac. Post/Thumbwheel Material […]

What happens if you drive off without paying for petrol UK?

What happens if you drive off without paying for petrol UK? If you were caught bilking and the case were to end up in a magistrates court, you could face a £5,000 fine and prison time of up to six months. In extreme cases, those found guilty of bilking could be given two-years behind bars […]

Which fruits are berries?

Which fruits are berries? Any small fleshy fruit is popularly called a berry, especially if it is edible. Raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries, for example, are not true berries but are aggregate fruits—fruits that consist of a number of smaller fruits. Cranberries and blueberries, however, are true botanical berries. What fruit isn’t a berry? Botanical berries […]