What is token theory? Token Identity theories hold that every concrete particular falling under a mental kind can be identified with some physical (perhaps neurophysiological) happening or other: instances of pain, for example, are taken to be not only instances of a mental state (e.g., pain), but instances of some physical state as well ( […]
Which book words are in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Quotes Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it. What were the last words Albus Dumbledore spoke […]
Who was Catherine the Great AP euro? Catherine the Great of Russia (1762-1796) She planned to abolish serfdom, but with 95% of Russia’s economy being agriculture, the move would be very unpopular among the aristocrats. She even took it a step further and imposed serfdom on Ukrainians, who had otherwise remained free. Who was the […]
What is the difference between Pnorm and Dnorm in R? dnorm is the density function for the normal distribution. If you enter a quantile (i.e., a value for X), and the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution in question, it will output the probability density.? pnorm is the distribution function for the normal […]
What is Descartes most famous work? However, he is most famous for having written a relatively short work, Meditationes de Prima Philosophia (Meditations On First Philosophy), published in 1641, in which he provides a philosophical groundwork for the possibility of the sciences. What does Descartes mean by RES Cogitans? thinking thing the Latin term (literally: […]
What does a sawfish use its nose for? The sawlike snout, called a rostrum, can be used in a back-and-forth swiping motion to cut prey in half or to dig through the sediment. The largetooth sawfish can grow up to 23 feet (7 meters). Why is sawfish important? Sawfish are a vital part of the […]
What is the difference between congenital and acquired hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism in infants is usually congenital; acquired causes become more common with age. Most congenital causes involve dysgenesis of the gland, but genetic disorders affecting thyroid hormone synthesis may occur. Most hypothyroid infants are detected through routine newborn screening. What is congenital hypothyroidism in children? Hypothyroidism […]
Are BA still flying to Thailand? LONDON, 20 December 2021: British Airways has cancelled all of its direct flights to Bangkok until October 2022, according to a report on The Points Guy blog last week. TPG based its report on emails sent by the airline to passengers who had booked flights to Thailand. Where do […]
What is the Substantivist approach on economic sociology? 2 The substantivist approach, on the other hand, in its effort to study the role of the economy within society, deals with the institutional forms taken by the process of satisfaction of human needs in different societies, both past and present, its main concern being sufficiency rather […]
Where to find model number on rubbermaid shed? Please be sure to have the model number from the packaging or instruction booklet, or the molded in part number located on the bottom of the container, lid, or beverage bottle. Note: Outdoor Storage items will have part numbers molded into the interior wall of each panel […]
What is considered El Valle Texas? Del Valle (/ˌdɛl ˈvæli/ del VAL-ee) is an airport-defined edge city of Austin and part of the Austin–Round Rock–San Marcos Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is founded upon the 19th-century Santiago Del Valle leagues, the largest granted land parcel in Travis County. What is the population of Del Valle TX? […]
What episode does Alex come back in orange is the new black? But, Alex pops up in max during season 6’s fourth episode. She is thankfully very alive and blankly asks Piper if she could help her find her cell (it’s part of a funny-mean joke). Does Alex vause come back in season 3? Season […]