What is meaning of et al?

What is meaning of et al? and others Et al. comes from the Latin phrase meaning “and others.” It is usually styled with a period, but you will occasionally see et al as well. Et al. typically stands in for two or more names, especially in bibliographical information. Is it rude to use et al? […]

How do I run a node js program in Windows?

How do I run a node js program in Windows? download nodejs to your system. open a notepad write js command “console.log(‘Hello World’);” save the file as hello.js preferably same location as nodejs. open command prompt navigate to the location where the nodejs is located. and run the command from the location like c:\program files\nodejs>node […]

Where are the Nixon family from?

Where are the Nixon family from? Richard Milhous Nixon was born on January 9, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California, in a house built by his father, located on his family’s lemon ranch. His parents were Hannah (Milhous) Nixon and Francis A. Nixon. How common is the name Nixon? Nixon Surname Distribution Map Place Incidence Frequency […]

What is the best Ron Swanson episode?

What is the best Ron Swanson episode? “I Regret Nothing. The End” – My Top 5 Ron Swanson Episodes (featuring Leslie Knope) 5) “Women Of The Year” – Season 2, Episode 17. 4) “Pawnee Rangers” – Season 4, Episode 4. 3) “Sweetums” – Season 2, Episode 15. 2) “Ron & Tammy” – Season 2, Episode […]

How old is Jeff in Community season1?

How old is Jeff in Community season1? Jumping ahead to s5e11 there is an episode that focuses on an emotional breakdown Jeff has. In the episode Jeff indicates that the reason for his breakdown was that he turned 40. This would suggest that Jeff was born in 1974 making him 35 in the first season […]

How does Bill Nye measure?

How does Bill Nye measure? Atomic clocks keep time to an accuracy of one millionth of a second per year. Lasers can measure distance to a millionth of a meter. Meter sticks can measure the world. What is the metric system based on? The metric system is a decimal-based system of measurement originally based on […]

What is the 21 day challenge in Herbalife?

What is the 21 day challenge in Herbalife? Rules of the 21 Day Herbalife Challenge Drink three Herbalife shakes each day for 3 weeks. They say it takes approximately 21 days to change a habit. This is the goal of the 21 day challenge. In addition, the challenge is that you are giving up food […]

How much does it cost to replace Moto screen?

How much does it cost to replace Moto screen? You can get a replacement for free. Customers that own Motorola phones that have damaged or broken screens can have their screen replaced for free. The free screen replacement, which represents a value of $175, is a great service offered by Motorola that the company has […]

What is a time series graph GCSE?

What is a time series graph GCSE? If this data is plotted onto a graph, this will be a time series graph, as it shows the frequencies over time. From the graph, it can be seen that there is a large fluctuation each year in the amount of visitors. However, there is a pattern that […]

What did Bristol do in the slave trade?

What did Bristol do in the slave trade? By the late 1730s Bristol had become Britain’s premier slaving port. In 1750 alone, Bristol ships transported some 8,000 of the 20,000 enslaved Africans sent that year to the British Caribbean and North America. By the latter half of the century, Bristol’s position had been overtaken by […]

What are symptoms of Refsum disease?

What are symptoms of Refsum disease? Individuals with Refsum disease are usually normal at birth, but between the ages of 10 and 20 years old, symptoms begin to develop starting with loss of night vision (retinitis pigmentosa), and eventually including weakness in arms and legs or unsteadiness (cerebellar ataxia). Is Refsum disease treatable? Although there […]

How do I transfer Contacts from iPhone to Outlook on PC?

How do I transfer Contacts from iPhone to Outlook on PC? iTunes opens automatically when connected to your computer. In iTunes, in the source list, under Devices, click the entry for your iPhone or iPod touch. Click the Info tab. Under Contacts, click Sync contacts from, and then click Outlook. How do I transfer Contacts […]