How does a hard drive motor work?

How does a hard drive motor work? These motors have a rotor with permanent magnet, while current is passed through the stator windings, which leads to a rotation of the rotor. Inverter, which replaced the classic commutator, is controlled by the current which passes through the stator coils. What type of motor is in a […]

How old is MML?

How old is MML? MML Investors Services, registered in 1993, serves 50 state(s) with a licensed staff of 5,681 advisors. MML Investors Services manages $49.0 billion and provides investment advisory services for 250,234 clients (1:45 advisor/client ratio). Does Old Mutual still exist? Old Mutual acquired a major shareholding in the newly formed Mutual & Federal […]

What are the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

What are the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit? The baptism of believers in the Holy Spirit is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance. In Acts 19:6, when Paul placed his hands on the Ephesian elders, the Holy Spirit came […]

How do I unlock Keybinds on ElvUI?

How do I unlock Keybinds on ElvUI? Open Elvui settings, go to ActionBars and General Options. You should have “Keybind text” as an option in the upper row. Does ElvUI save Keybinds? No, keybinds are stored by WoW itself, not by ElvUI. How do you set Keybinds in WoW? Go into your Key Binding menu, […]

What are the three models of addiction?

What are the three models of addiction? There are several theories that model addiction: genetic theories, exposure theories (both biological and conditioning), and adaptation theories. What are the seven models of addiction? Theories of Addiction. Basic Six. • Biological/disease Model. • Psychodynamic Model. • Moral/spiritual Model. • Environmental Model. Biological. • Indicates a biological predisposition […]

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg important to the Civil War?

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg important to the Civil War? Gettysburg was an important campaign. It stopped the Confederate momentum in the Eastern Theater and it probably killed any chance of Europe intervening. It gave the Federals a badly needed victory and boosted Northern morale. What are five facts about the Battle of Gettysburg? […]

What is GMO infographic?

What is GMO infographic? GMO Infographics These can be used to discuss and dispel common myths, illustrate the timeline of crop breeding and genetic modification, and discuss factors and solutions to agricultural sustainability. What are examples of GMO organisms? Current Use of Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically Conferred Trait Example Organism Herbicide tolerance Soybean Insect resistance […]

What does a sound level meter measure?

What does a sound level meter measure? sound-level meter, device for measuring the intensity of noise, music, and other sounds. A typical meter consists of a microphone for picking up the sound and converting it into an electrical signal, followed by electronic circuitry for operating on this signal so that the desired characteristics can be […]

Does OpenGL work with C++?

Does OpenGL work with C++? OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW): “GLEW is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library. GLEW provides efficient run-time mechanisms for determining which OpenGL extensions are supported on the target platform.” Source and pre-build binary available at What is the best way to learn OpenGL? 4 Best OpenGL Books for […]

What is a popular Southern drink?

What is a popular Southern drink? Mint Julep This quintessential Kentucky cocktail will have you off to the races with all the components of a perfect drink that prove it really is that simple: bourbon, sugar, water, ice, and mint for garnish. Try Our Take: Classic Mint Julep. What are some southern drinks? Classic Southern […]

Why do they call it Pop Warner?

Why do they call it Pop Warner? Glenn Warner was a 23-year old football player at Cornell University during his senior year of college. His younger teammates called him “Pop” as a reference to his old age (by their standards). And in time, Pop Warner became a name synonymous with football in the United States. […]

Whats mean by literally?

Whats mean by literally? Definition of literally 1 : in a literal sense or manner: such as. a : in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression He took the remark literally. a word that can be used both literally and figuratively. Where do we use literally? You […]