What counties in MN have a burning ban? The DNR says 14 counties will be exempt from open burning of brush or yard waste until restrictions are lifted. The affected counties include Anoka, Benton, Chisago, Hennepin, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Ramsey, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Washington and Wright. Is there a burning ban in MN […]
Is Vitara better than S-Cross? The entry-level Vitara is a lot of car for the money but there is a small catch – instead of the excellent 1.4-litre turbo engine of the other two, it ships with a 1.6-litre naturally-aspirated engine that has significantly less power than anything else in the segment….Suzuki Vitara. Safety rating […]
How do you use Wella Permanent Liquid hair color? Mix Ratio: 1 part haircolor, 2 parts developer. Lighter than natural shade, first time application: Develop for 15 minutes, check, then process up to an additional 15 minutes or until color is even. How long do you leave Wella permanent hair color on? Once the color […]
What type of compound is bromine dioxide? dioxidobromine(.) (OBrO)(.) BrO2(.) Bromine dioxide is an inorganic radical and a bromine oxide. What type of gas is bromine? Bromine is a chemical element with the symbol Br and atomic number 35. It is the third-lightest halogen and is a volatile red-brown liquid at room temperature that evaporates […]
Is there ragging in Trivandrum Medical College? In Kerala, the Trivandrum Medical College authorities have recently issued a diktat against medical students wearing jeans, leggings, jangling jewellery etc. in classrooms and wards. This dress code brings to mind an incident that occurred in the same medical college in the early 1970s. Is there ragging in […]
Where is the best bird hunting in Nebraska? Pheasants may be found statewide, but the best hunting opportunities have traditionally been in Southwest Nebraska. Other areas with good opportunity include the Panhandle, particularly north of Alliance, and the south-central portion of the state. What birds Can you hunt in Nebraska? The Nebraska Upland Slam challenges […]
What does ferritin test indicate? Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. A ferritin test helps your doctor understand how much iron your body stores. If a ferritin test reveals that your blood ferritin level is lower than normal, it indicates your body’s iron stores are low and you have iron deficiency. As a […]
What is the east facade of the Louvre? The Louvre Colonnade The Louvre Colonnade is the easternmost façade of the Palais du Louvre in Paris. It has been celebrated as the foremost masterpiece of French Architectural Classicism since its construction, mostly between 1667 and 1674. Who designed the east front of the Louvre? Jean-Baptiste Colbert, […]
What are the instruments used in the Gynaecological examination? Mainly gynecologist instruments are vaginal speculum, d&c instruments set for dilation and curettage, uterine dilators, Auvard vaginal speculum, sim’s double-ended vaginal speculum, doyen’s retractor, Novak curettes, vagina retractor and speculums, obstetrical and tenaculum forceps, ovum and uterine polypus forceps. Which instrument is used to hold cervix? […]
What was the hottest day ever in Tennessee? Hottest temperature ever recorded: 113 F, Perryville, west-central Tennessee, 8/9/1930. Coldest temperature ever recorded: -32 F, Mountain City, northeastern Tennessee, 12/30/1917. Hottest location ranked by highest average annual temperature: Memphis, southwestern Tennessee , 62.2 F. What is the weather like in Tennessee in July? Daily high temperatures […]
Can you get safety glasses with prescription? Safety glasses are available in non-RX, RX, and non-RX fit-over-glasses variations. There are many prescription safety glasses from many popular brands to choose from. Prescription limitations may vary across certain styles of frames. What is the standard used in Canada for safety eyewear? To qualify as safety eyewear, […]
How do you refresh Tableau? Run a refresh on Tableau Online Sign in to the Tableau Online site to which the data source is published. On the Data Sources page, select the More actions icon (…) next to the data source you want to refresh, and then select Refresh Extracts from the menu. Under Refresh […]