Is Cloud in love with Aerith? Cloud has no choice to make. His love of Tifa helps him recall why he loves Aerith; loving Aerith healed the affectations that prevented him from loving Tifa. The girls never compete over him — they love each other, too. Thinking he’s “with” one girl more than the other […]
Are Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd Friends? There are few celebrity friendships more wholesome than that of Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd. The pair, who first worked together in Friends back in the early noughties, have stayed pals all these years, even starring in comedy Wanderlust together in 2012. Did Paul Rudd enjoy being on […]
Where is the largest pool in Chile? San Alfonso Del Mar Resort in Chile has the world’s largest swimming pool. It’s the length of over nine football fields, and filled with 66 million gallons of water. Can you swim in the largest pool in Chile? You are not allowed to swim in the big pool […]
What angle should a grader blade be? Most motor grader work is done at moldboard angles of 10 to 45 degrees. To maintain a similar material flow off the moldboard requires the use of a steeper blade angle when working material uphill, and reduced blade angle when working material downhill. How do you start a […]
How much does a G36 gun cost? In November 2020, G36 rifles became available for sale on the civilian market in Canada. They were sold with match grade barrels by Lothar Walther for CAD $5,999, or with an H&K barrel for CAD $7,998. Can you buy a G36 in Canada? In short, one of the […]
Can a JSON have a list? Similar to other programming languages, a JSON Array is a list of items surrounded in square brackets ([]). Each item in the array is separated by a comma. What are JSON elements called? JSON object literals are surrounded by curly braces {}. JSON object literals contains key/value pairs. Keys […]
What is the message of secular humanism? Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or belief in a deity. What do secular humanists believe about God? Humanists reject the idea or belief in a supernatural being such as God. This means that humanists class themselves as agnostic […]
What is a Deathstone Nocturne? Deathstones are found throughout the Kalpa Dungeons. They’re often contained in Cache Cubes found after clearing the major puzzles of a Kalpa. Why is Nocturne called Lucifer’s call? Atlus has never confirmed the reason, but it’s likely due to the fact that there was already a game called Nocturne released […]
What happens if bromine is too high in pool? Bromine is chemically similar to chlorine, and like chlorine, it can burn skin and bleach bathing suits if the concentration is too high. Because it’s volatile, the easiest way to lower bromine levels is to let the water outgas. What happens when bromine levels are too […]
What is the atomic weight of radium? 226 uRadium / Atomic mass What is the atomic weight of calcium? 40.078 uCalcium / Atomic mass What is the mass of radium-226? Its mass number is 226 as it has 88 protons (same as the number of electrons in its shells) and 138 neutrons in its nucleus. Its molar […]
What is a SUNCT headache? Definition. SUNCT-Short-lasting, Unilateral, Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing-is a rare form of headache that is most common in men after age 50. What is a Hemicranial headache? Hemicrania continua is a headache disorder. It causes constant pain in one side of the face and head. Unlike other […]
How do I write a letter to a neighbor about a dangerous tree? “Dear (neighbor): In the interest of being a good neighbor, I wanted to point out something on your property that is a potentially dangerous to both of our families; your (name of trees) appear (diseased, damaged, in danger of falling — be […]