Why does my QuickBooks keep closing?

Why does my QuickBooks keep closing? Your old QuickBooks file may be corrupted, reason why it crashes every time you’re trying to restore it. To get this resolved, you’ll want to go back to your previous QuickBooks version and fix the damage by running the verify rebuild data. How do I fix QuickBooks from crashing? […]

How do I force NVIDIA GPU?

How do I force NVIDIA GPU? With NVIDIA, it’s really easy Return to your desktop. Right-click the app you want to force to use the dedicated GPU. The right-click context menu will have a ‘Run with graphics processor’ option. Select ‘High-performance NVIDIA processor’ from the sub-options and the app will run using your dedicated GPU. […]

What is Fountas and Pinnell online resources?

What is Fountas and Pinnell online resources? The Fountas & Pinnell Online Resources is a repository of printable resources, record keeping forms, videos, and more that are referenced in various Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ products. Are LLI books available online? Starting Friday, May 8, 2020, LLI teachers (K–5) who have an LLI account will have […]

How does Australia measure poverty?

How does Australia measure poverty? The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines the poverty line as half the median household income of the total population2. In Australia this translates to a single adult living on less than $426.30 a week. For a couple with 2 children, it was $895.22 a week1. What are […]

What should be included in a photo book?

What should be included in a photo book? How to Make the Perfect Photo Book: Tips and Tricks Organize your photos. Choose the right photos. Highlight your favorites. Create variety in spreads. Pick a theme. Include helpful text. Tell a story. What is the easiest photo book to make? Google Photos is probably the easiest […]

Who is Humboldt named after?

Who is Humboldt named after? In the 1970s, Alexander von Humboldt became the namesake for an asteroid. He also left his mark on the United States. The state of Nevada was almost named after him. Today, eight towns and three counties bear his name. What is Humboldt famous for? Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt, […]

Do you need alchemy to get Vial of the Sands recipe?

Do you need alchemy to get Vial of the Sands recipe? First thing is you need 525 Alchemy (although its not required to loot the recipe from the Canopic jar). The Recipe: Vial of the Sands is obtained through Archeology. It is contained in the Tol’Vir Common artifact Canopic Jar. You will need 450 Archeology […]

Does Coke own Inca Kola?

Does Coke own Inca Kola? Coca-Cola became the sole owner of the Inca Kola trademark everywhere outside Peru whereas inside Peru a joint-venture agreement was forged. To date, Ecuador and the United States (mostly New York and the rest of the Northeast) are two of the countries where Inca Kola is bottled by the Coca-Cola […]

Can you wash artificial Christmas tree?

Can you wash artificial Christmas tree? All artificial Christmas trees can be “dry cleaned.” However, since many come with attached lights, dry cleaning is also the only safe cleaning method for prelit trees. Why is my Christmas tree drying out? Don’t forget to regularly give your Christmas tree water — too little can cause resin […]

How do you Unmarshal with JAXB?

How do you Unmarshal with JAXB? JAXB Unmarshalling Example: Converting XML into Object Create POJO or bind the schema and generate the classes. Create the JAXBContext object. Create the Unmarshaller objects. Call the unmarshal method. Use getter methods of POJO to access the data. What is JAXB Marshaller? JAXB. The JAXB Marshaller interface is responsible […]

Can CGMiner use GPU?

Can CGMiner use GPU? As a hardware miner (ASIC, GPU, GPU and FPGA), CGMiner is licensed free of charge and compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X platforms. There are several hardware miners and GPUs available, including CUDA and NVIDIA’s GPUs (as well as CPUs). Does CGMiner work with Nvidia? A: With Nvidia you […]

Which rapper has the most Billboard awards?

Which rapper has the most Billboard awards? Drake The Billboard Music Awards named Drake top artist, male artist, rap artist, rap male artist and rap album for “Certified Lover Boy.” The rapper extended his record as the most decorated winner in the history of the awards show with 34 wins. Who won best artist of […]