What does the move Selfdestruct do?

What does the move Selfdestruct do? Selfdestruct inflicts damage and causes the user to faint. Though its power is listed as 130, the target’s Defense will be halved during damage calculation (unless it is at a value of 1), effectively doubling the power to 260. What Pokémon can learn the move Selfdestruct? Pokémon that can […]

How do you treat bird prolapse?

How do you treat bird prolapse? Birds with prolapsed cloaca’s require emergency care. Many are hypothermic and require immediate warming. Others can be dehydrated so warm fluids are also administered. Antibiotics are usually administered to prevent infection in the affected organs. What causes PDD in birds? The disease is caused by avian bornavirus, which targets […]

What is G Zuiko?

What is G Zuiko? The G. Zuiko name tells us immediately that this is a 7 element lens, G being the seventh letter of the alphabet. In fact, optical construction is 7 elements in 6 groups, pretty much what we would expect from an f/1.4 standard lens of this era. What does M Zuiko mean? […]

Can you join the National Guard without citizenship?

Can you join the National Guard without citizenship? To join the U.S. military, non-citizens must be living permanently and legally in the United States. Non-citizens must also have permission to work in the United States, possess an I-551 (Permanent Residence Card), have obtained a high school diploma and speak English. What documents do I need […]

What are the 2 main functions of carbohydrates?

What are the 2 main functions of carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are essential for two distinct functions in your body — energy and digestion. Most types of carbohydrates, such as starch and sugar, break down into glucose, which is the simplest form of carbohydrate and your body’s primary source of energy. What is the main function for […]

How do you beat the twilight struggle?

How do you beat the twilight struggle? You win the game immediately when: You control Europe when Europe is scored. At any point, the VP marker moves to +20 or -20. Wargames (a Late War event) is triggered. DEFCON drops to 1 during your opponent’s Action Round. Is twilight struggle unbalanced? It’s really quite balanced. […]

What kind of batteries does Itouchless trash can take?

What kind of batteries does Itouchless trash can take? 4 D size batteries Choose to operate with INCLUDED AC Adapter, or use 4 D size batteries (not included). Why isn’t my Itouchless trash can working? If trash can is still not working correctly, remove the batteries or unplug AC adapter. Let trash can sit for […]

What is it called when Goth people dance?

What is it called when Goth people dance? It’s not difficult to understand the need for space. The cybergoths are performing a type of dance known as industrial dance, writhing along to the beat of a remix of Lock ‘N Load’s “Blow Ya Mind.” Kenji admitted over email that the style “looks very aggressive on […]

What was it like inside a workhouse?

What was it like inside a workhouse? A range of buildings at the rear provided a laundry, infirmary and cow house. Life was very regimented, controlled and monotonous and all inmates wore uniforms. They rarely received visitors and could not leave unless they were formally discharged to find or take up work and provide for […]

Que significa analisis vectorial?

¿Qué significa analisis vectorial? El cálculo vectorial, análisis vectorial o cálculo multivariable es un campo de las matemáticas referidas al análisis real multivariable de vectores en 2 o más dimensiones. Es un enfoque de la geometría diferencial como conjunto de fórmulas y técnicas para solucionar problemas muy útiles para la ingeniería y la física. ¿Qué […]

Why do I keep getting bacterial eye infections?

Why do I keep getting bacterial eye infections? A bacterial eye infection may be the result of trauma, eye surgery, contact lens wear, immune deficiencies, or other diseases that result in bacterial growth. The two most common bacterial infections of the eye are conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, and blepharitis, a chronic inflammation of […]

Is there a dress code at Cowboys Red River?

Is there a dress code at Cowboys Red River? Must have sleeves. No cuts. No elastic waistbands or athletic type shorts. No open toe shoes. When did Cowboys Arlington close? November 1st is the last dance. The time is now to make your final memories at the original Cowboys Arlington! We are celebrating the past […]