What is the difference between failover and redundancy? Redundancy is having extra components available in the case a component fails. Failover is the mechanism, be it automatic or manual, for bringing up a contingent operational plan. What feature in Hyper-V provides high availability of applications and server workloads that are not? How Hyper-V High Availability […]
Do people with Down syndrome have flat faces? People with Down syndrome usually have an IQ (a measure of intelligence) in the mildly-to-moderately low range and are slower to speak than other children. Some common physical features of Down syndrome include: A flattened face, especially the bridge of the nose. Almond-shaped eyes that slant up. […]
Did Bruce ever get over his parents death? The death of Bruce Wayne’s parents is a driving factor in Batman lore. But he’s gotten over it much more often than you’d think. While it may seem like the Caped Crusader is powerless to escape the cowl, Batman has more than once found peace with the […]
How many Walibi parks are there? Walibi Holland Slogan Hard gaan Operating season April – October Attractions Total More than 40 Roller coasters 7 Who owns Walibi? organisation Compagnie des Alpes The park is owned by the organisation Compagnie des Alpes. This group includes 14 Leisure parks such as Parc Astèrix, Walibi Belgium, Bellewaerde Park […]
What does a dakini do? A dakini is a manifestation of liberating energy in female form. Sometimes they are beautiful, and sometimes they are wrathful and hideous and decorated with skulls. Because they represent liberation they often are depicted naked and dancing. The Tibetan word for dakini is khandroma, which means “sky goer.” Who is […]
What countries are in GMT-6? Standard Time Russia time zone 5 – Omsk Time (OMST) Kazakhstan – Almaty Time (ALMT) Kyrgyzstan (KGT) Bangladesh (BST) Bhutan (BTT) British Indian Ocean Territory. Which time zone is GMT-6? Current Time in GMT-6 The GMT/UTC minus 6 hours offset is used in the Central Standard Time Zone in USA. […]
Has there ever been a triple wedding? Guests at the Bini sisters’ wedding in Brazil witnessed a rare sight: a triple wedding with a set of identical triplets. Triplets Rafaela, Rocheli, and Tagiane Bini married Rafa Rafael, Gabriel, and Eduardo Thome, respectively, in a joint wedding ceremony on March 21. Have triplets ever married triplets? […]
Is there universal truth in ethics? There is no “universal truth” in ethics; that is, there are no moral truths that hold for all peoples at all times. 6. It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other peoples. We should adopt an attitude of tolerance toward the practices of […]
What wig size is Pullip? 27cm is the preferred size for rebodying a pullip but 25cm and 23cm can also be used and can be good to represent a younger character or if a variety in heights is desired. Is Pullip Japanese or Korean? Pullip (Korean: 푸리프) is a fashion doll created by Cheonsang Cheonha […]
Can you program a Raspberry Pi with C? The Raspberry Pi has traditionally been programmed using Python. Although this is a very powerful language, many programmers may not be familiar with it. C on the other hand is perhaps the most commonly used programming language and all embedded microcontrollers can be programmed using it. How […]
What is the difference between hand cream and hand salve? The main difference between a hand salve and hand cream is the texture or thickness. Hand creams are often lightweight while hand salves tend to have higher concentrations of rich emollient ingredients making them ideal for dry and very dry skin. What is hand salve […]
What is calcium Sulfoaluminate cement? Calcium sulfoaluminate cements (CSA) are a promising low CO 2 alternative to ordinary Portland cements. They are produced by burning CSA clinker from limestone, bauxite and calcium sulfate at about 1250°C and blending the clinker with 15-25% gypsum and/or anhydrite. Is cement made of calcium? The raw materials used to […]