What is quantal transmission?

What is quantal transmission? One quantum generates what is known as a miniature end plate potential (MEPP) which is the smallest amount of stimulation that one neuron can send to another neuron. Quantal release is the mechanism by which most traditional endogenous neurotransmitters are transmitted throughout the body. What is quantal content? Some definitions: Quantal […]

What is the role of assessment and accountability in education?

What is the role of assessment and accountability in education? Accountability is defined as “the idea that schools and teachers are responsible for educational outcomes and should be evaluated, traditionally through examination of students’ test scores” (Harris and Hodges 1995, 3). Assessment focuses on improving instruction and reporting results of that instruction. What is educational […]

What is a Ansel?

What is a Ansel? NVIDIA Ansel is a powerful photo mode that lets you take professional-grade photographs of your games. Now, you can capture and share your most brilliant gaming experiences with super-resolution, 360-degree, HDR, and stereo photographs. What is Nvidia GeForce experience and do I need it? GeForce Experience is the companion application to […]

What happens during cytoplasmic streaming?

What happens during cytoplasmic streaming? cytoplasmic streaming, also called protoplasmic streaming, the movement of the fluid substance (cytoplasm) within a plant or animal cell. The motion transports nutrients, proteins, and organelles within cells. What produces cytoplasmic streaming? Cytoplasmic streaming occurs due to the motion of organelles attached to actin filaments via myosin motor proteins. However, […]

Can you get iCloud on iPhone 4?

Can you get iCloud on iPhone 4? iCloud requires iOS 5 or later on an iPhone 4 or later ; a Mac computer with OS X Lion; or a PC with Windows Media or Windows 7 (Outlook 2007 or 2010 or an up-to-date browser is required for accessing email, contacts and calendars). How do I […]

What does Estancia mean on visa?

What does Estancia mean on visa? visitor’s permit [or, visitor’s visa] Explanation: Hi Jon, I know the word “estancia” usually means “stay” (noun) but in your context I believe the proper term would be “visitor’s permit” [or visa]. How much bank balance is required for Spain tourist visa? Bank statement – this needs to show […]

What is the poem grain of sand about?

What is the poem grain of sand about? A Grain of Sand is a poem written by the award winning Indian poet Tabish Khair. The poem discusses memory, love, faith, childhood and the troubles of living through a materialistic world. What does a grain of sand mean? 1. a. Small loose grains of worn or […]

What is K2Cr2O7 used to test for?

What is K2Cr2O7 used to test for? sulfur dioxide Potassium dichromate paper can be used to test for sulfur dioxide, as it turns distinctively from orange to green. This is typical of all redox reactions where hexavalent chromium is reduced to trivalent chromium. Therefore, it is not a conclusive test for sulfur dioxide. How do […]

What are the main mantras of Buddhism?

What are the main mantras of Buddhism? The principal mantra in Buddhism is om maṇi padme hūṃ. Mantras continue to be an important feature of Hindu religious rites and domestic ceremonies. Initiation into many Hindu sects involves the whispering of a secret mantra into the ear of the initiate by the guru (spiritual teacher). What […]

Is Ecuador close to the ocean?

Is Ecuador close to the ocean? Ecuador is located on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and has 2,237 km of coastline. It has 2237 km of land boundaries, with Colombia in the north (708 km border) and Peru in the east and south (1,529 km border). 283,561 km2 (109,484 sq mi) is land and […]

Can I file my own divorce papers in NY?

Can I file my own divorce papers in NY? If you are filing for an uncontested divorce there are forms available for your use: If you have no children under 21 and your marriage has been over for at least 6 months, you can use the DIY Uncontested Divorce Program to make your papers. If […]

What happened to stakis?

What happened to stakis? Stakis died in Stirling on 28 August 2001. He is buried in Dunblane Cemetery. What happened to Stakis hotels? It was sold to Hilton Group in 2000 for £1.2 billion. Following the sale, many of the Stakis top personnel were retained by Hilton and took some of the senior positions within […]