Where should grab bars be located? As per the ADA guidelines: grab bars should be provided on the side wall closest to the toilet (604.5). This will help someone with sitting or standing, or someone in transferring from a wheelchair onto the toilet seat. there should also be a grab bar placed on the wall […]
What causes mouth sores on cheeks? Canker sores are commonly caused by trauma like biting the inside of your cheek, burns, allergies, or sensitivities. They may have other causes as well. However, canker sores are not contagious. Certain conditions may make you more prone to them. What causes white sores in the mouth? A stress […]
What is atomic mass and amu? The atomic mass of an element is the average mass of the atoms of an element measured in atomic mass unit (amu, also known as daltons, D). The atomic mass is a weighted average of all of the isotopes of that element, in which the mass of each isotope […]
What are the characteristics of a self-centered person? What is a self-absorbed person? They view themselves as better than others. They have strong opinions. They hide their insecurities and vulnerabilities. They abuse their friendships. They have very little empathy for others. They focus more on superficial qualities than character. They are disinterested in your day. […]
What does a Fatalii pepper look like? From a pale green, the most common variety matures to a bright yellow. Less common are red, chocolate and white Fataliis. The red version of Fatalii apparently has a somewhat different flavor and shorter, wider pods, maturing from medium green to dark red but the strain is unstable, […]
Porque a língua portuguesa se originou do latim vulgar? A língua portuguesa surgiu do latim — idioma falado pelos romanos que se situavam no estado da Península Itálica, o Lácio. Por serem navegantes, esse povo (que explorava novas terras para conquistar) se utilizava da forma vulgar da língua para se comunicar. Logo, o português se […]
Are long tailed grass lizards poisonous? Myths of this creature describe it as a small but agile little snake with a venomous and deadly bite. In reality, the Long Tailed Grass Lizard is nothing more than a well-adapted arboreal expert of the grasslands. What lizard has a very long tail? Asian grass lizard By this […]
Does it rain much in Hong Kong? Hong Kong’s annual rainfall is a huge 2.4 meters (94 inches), 80% of which falls between May and September. The wettest month is August, when rain falls for about four days out of seven. The driest month is January, when rain only falls about one day a week. […]
What is a SPAG assessment? What is the SPAG test? The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test (informally known as the SPAG test) was introduced in May 2013 as part of the KS2 SATs programme for Year 6 pupils, replacing the previous English writing test. How long is the SPAG KS2 test? around 15 minutes […]
What cities have airports in Ohio? Airports City served FAA Airport name Cleveland CLE Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Columbus CMH John Glenn Columbus International Airport Columbus LCK Rickenbacker International Airport Dayton DAY James M. Cox Dayton International Airport How many airports is in Ohio? In total, there are 8 airports in Ohio with scheduled flights. […]
What resolution is needed for facial recognition? Required resolution Operational requirement Horizontal pixels/face inch Identification (Challenging conditions) 80 px/face 12,5 px/in Identification (Good conditions) 40 px/face 6,3 px/in Recognition 20 px/face 3,2 px/in Detection 4 px/face 0,6 px/in Does camera quality affect facial recognition? The performance of a face recognition system depends on the quality […]
How do you treat Photoallergic dermatitis? The main form of treatment for photosensitive dermatitis will typically include prevention methods, such as using sun protection, avoiding contact with any known allergens, and stopping any photosensitizing drugs if possible. How do you get rid of dermatitis fast? These self-care habits can help you manage dermatitis and feel […]