Who invented the solenoid? André-Marie Ampère André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836) French physicist most famous for investigating the magnetic fields produced by current-carrying wires. His work extended that of the Danish physicist Hans Oersted, who discovered in 1819 that a compass needle was deflected by a current-carrying wire. He also invented the solenoid. What is the use […]
How can I help my 9 year old with bad behavior? Discipline Strategies That Work Engage in Problem-Solving. Use Natural Consequences. Rethink the Reward System. Create a Behavior Contract. Provide Pre-Teaching. Take Away Privileges. Prioritize Connection. Avoid Labeling Your Child. How do you discipline a 9 year old who won t listen? Discipline: Top Do’s […]
Is acetic acid ear drops over-the-counter? Acetic Acid is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of bacterial or fungal infections in the ear. Acetic Acid may be used alone or with other medications. Do acetic acid ear drops work? Acetic acid is used to treat an outer ear infection (external otitis). It works […]
Is a 1937 nickel worth anything? A 1937-nickel is worth $1.12 in average condition, and a coin grading as high as MS-66 will command a $149. However, some extremely rare 1937-nickels could be worth many thousands of dollars to the right collector. How rare is a 1937 buffalo nickel? 1937 Nickel Value Condition of Coin […]
What is the benefit of a tubular cast on? The tubular cast-on is the neatest way to cast on for ribbing and gives your projects a beautiful finished edge. It’s a stretchy, elastic cast-on method that’s ideal for hats, socks and neckbands. A tubular cast-on is characterised by the way the edge looks rolled over, […]
How much is a 100 bill with a star worth? Star Notes You can tell if you have a star note by looking to see if there is a star symbol at the end of the serial number. Most 2009 series $100 star notes are worth around $150-200 in uncirculated condition with an MS 63 […]
What is the price of 10 gram silver in India? ₹ 621 Today Silver Price Per Gram/Kg in India (INR) Gram Silver Rate Today Daily Price Change 1 gram ₹ 62.10 ₹ 0.20 8 gram ₹ 496.80 ₹ 1.60 10 gram ₹ 621 ₹ 2 100 gram ₹ 6,210 ₹ 20 What is the current […]
Is there a word Unprivate? un·pri·vate. How do you say not private? synonyms for not private civic. civil. communal. governmental. mutual. national. popular. social. What do you call someone who is private? adj. 1 clandestine, closet, confidential, covert, hush-hush (informal) in camera, inside, off the record, privy (archaic) secret, unofficial. 2 exclusive, individual, intimate, own, […]
What are the ways to serve God? First, to serve God and follow God means to recognize His Lordship over our lives. We have to acknowledge the fact that we live under His sovereignty and providence. He is our Creator, our Redeemer and our Sustainer. He is our master, and we are his servants. What […]
How do you teach place value to struggling students? Here are a few tips that develop place value: Tip #1: Use place value mats to make reading and writing numbers easier. Tip #2: Provide Opportunities to Count by Groups of 10’s and 100’s. Tip #3: Use a daily place value warm-up to build confidence. What […]
Are AR-15 pistols good? AR-15 pistols require a lot less hassle than an SBR, and with a brace, are great firearms for home defense. They can be ultra small and insanely easy to maneuver in and out of buildings with, plus you can attach a can and still have a smaller overall platform than a […]
What are the 8 fundamental ILO conventions? Advancing social justice, promoting decent work Freedom of association. Collective bargaining. Forced labour. Child labour. Equality of opportunity and treatment. Tripartite consultation. Labour administration. Labour inspection. What is the purpose of the ILO conventions? The ILO Conventions cover a wide area of social and labour issues including basic […]