Was Agent Orange used during the Korean War?

Was Agent Orange used during the Korean War? Agent Orange was used in Korea from approximately 1968 to 1971. Those that served in Korea at that time are the only ones who are acknowledged to have had exposure to Dioxin. It does not cover those that were exposed afterward, where it resides in the dirt […]

What is Polyaluminium Chloride used for?

What is Polyaluminium Chloride used for? The main use of Polyaluminium Chloride is in water treatment: Drinking water treatment – coagulant. Waste water treatment – coagulant and precipitant. Process water treatment – coagulant. Why PAC is used in water treatment? Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) is one of the most efficient water treatment chemicals utilized today. It […]

Who invented perfume spray bottle?

Who invented perfume spray bottle? The first atomizer nozzle, also called an aspirator nozzle, was invented by Dr. Thomas DeVilbiss of Toledo, Ohio, in the late 19th century for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect. His device was used for spraying medicine on the back of his patients’ throats. […]

Where was the Battle of Little Bighorn on a map?

Where was the Battle of Little Bighorn on a map? Little Bighorn River Big Horn County Battle of the Little Bighorn/Locations Did any soldiers survive Little Bighorn? The only survivor of the U.S. 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn was actually a horse of mustang lineage named Comanche. A burial party that was investigating the site […]

Who is the first king of Denmark?

Who is the first king of Denmark? With all of that confusion Gorm the Old is the first historically recognized King of Denmark, reigning from c. 936 to his death c. 958. He ruled from Jelling, and made the oldest of the Jelling Stones in honor of his wife Thyra. Who is the current king […]

What is Archaic pottery?

What is Archaic pottery? Pottery in Archaic Greece was used for ornamental purposes as well as every day and practical uses. Pottery in the archaic age of Greece went through major changes in response to increased trading with the Eastern civilizations. In the 8th century, Archaic pottery only had abstract ornamentation. What was the major […]

Is sipa and Sepak Takraw the same?

Is sipa and Sepak Takraw the same? Sepak takraw is a sport native to Southeast Asia. It uses a rattan ball and allows players to use only their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. In the Philippines, it is also known as “sipa.” It was the country’s national sport until it was […]

How did Bohr explain the emission spectrum?

How did Bohr explain the emission spectrum? Niels Bohr explained the line spectrum of the hydrogen atom by assuming that the electron moved in circular orbits and that orbits with only certain radii were allowed. How did Bohr explain atomic emission spectra quizlet? Electrons present in the orbits closer to the nucleus have larger amounts […]

What is a multi fuel stove with boiler?

What is a multi fuel stove with boiler? Boiler stoves incorporate a back boiler that harnesses the output of the stove to heat domestic hot water supplies and radiators around the home. This also makes them ideal for use with heat accumulators in multiple source heating systems. How much space do I need around a […]

What did Phish play on Halloween 2021?

What did Phish play on Halloween 2021? “musical costume,” performing classic records in sequence: The Who’s Quadrophenia, The Beatles’ White Album and Talking Heads’ Remain in Light, among others. What time does Phish start in Vegas? Phish – Fall 2021 Show Time: 7:30 pm. Where is Phish playing in Vegas? MGM Grand Garden Arena Phish […]

Do your things Despawn in Rust?

Do your things Despawn in Rust? The exact time isn’t known, but the time it takes items to despawn in Rust is in the neighborhood of two-three minutes. That goes for loot sacks, which is usually how most items appear when dropped. Meaning, whatever items you drop, they won’t drop as that item, but rather […]

Can Amiibos learn from CPUs?

Can Amiibos learn from CPUs? Amiibo are typically only used in-game to earn special unlocks themed around whatever Amiibo was scanned, but in Smash Ultimate they become highly trainable CPU fighters that adapt and change their fighting styles. Do Amiibos ever stop learning? If you turn learning off on an amiibo at amiibo level 20, […]