What is a explanatory paragraph?

What is a explanatory paragraph? Your main purpose in an explanatory paragraph is to give information about a subject. You may give directions, present ideas, or explain how to do something. An explanatory paragraph uses transitions such as first, then, after, and finally. What is a paragraph frame? Framed paragraphs are pre-writing tools that help […]

What was al-Khwarizmi famous for?

What was al-Khwarizmi famous for? Al-Khwārizmī is famous for his mathematical works, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and algebra to European mathematicians. In fact, the words algorithm and algebra come from his name and the title of one of his works, respectively. Where and when was al-Khwarizmi born? KhwarazmMuhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi / Place of birthKhwarazm, […]

Is Garamond an acceptable font?

Is Garamond an acceptable font? Amongst designers – especially print designers – Garamond is considered one of the best fonts in existence. It’s timeless, and very readable. What is the best font for a poster? Because they are simple to see from a distance, serif fonts are a suitable choice for posters. Arial, Helvetica, and […]

What is the Bluetooth PIN for Wiimote?

What is the Bluetooth PIN for Wiimote? I bought a wiimote off ebay in the hopes of getting it to run with some of the emulators for android. Type PIN to pair with “Nintendo RVL-CNT-01”. (Try 0000 or 1234.) What Bluetooth does a Wiimote use? Most people don’t know that the Wiimote communicates with the […]

Does Miami have a cathedral?

Does Miami have a cathedral? The Cathedral of Saint Mary (Spanish: Catedral de Santa María de Miami) is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami. The cathedral is named for Mary, mother of Jesus, and is located at 7525 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida. What is the biggest church in […]

Does area damage work with thorns?

Does area damage work with thorns? Also, Reflected Thorns and Hack cannot proc Area Damage. How much damage does thorns do Diablo 3? Thorns damage is increased by your primary attribute, 1% per point, as any other damage. However, it may not score Critical Hits, and does not benefit from it in any way. Does […]

Is Norfolk pine poisonous to humans?

Is Norfolk pine poisonous to humans? The needles of some pine trees, such as ponderosa pine, and other evergreens that are not actually pines, such as Norfolk Island pine, may be toxic to humans, livestock and other animals. What happens if you cut the top off a Norfolk pine? The plant will not grow taller […]

What is KANR in a plasmid?

What is KANR in a plasmid? The plasmid pKAN-R carries the kanamycin resistant gene, kanr, which encodes a phosphotransferase, an en- zyme that transfers a phosphate group to the kanamycin molecule destroying its antibiotic effects. Kanamycin is an antibiotic that kills bacteria by preventing them from making proteins. Which is an example of plasmid vector? […]

Did Lorenzo Odone have siblings?

Did Lorenzo Odone have siblings? Cristina Odone Francesco Odone Lorenzo Odone/Siblings Is Lorenzo Michael Murphy Odone alive? May 30, 2008Lorenzo Odone / Date of death Is Lorenzo Odone still alive today? Lorenzo Odone has died from pneumonia aged 30. Doctors had predicted he would not live beyond childhood when he was diagnosed with the incurable […]

How do I get stationery in Outlook?

How do I get stationery in Outlook? From the main Outlook window, on the Actions menu, point to New Mail Message Using, and then click More Stationery. Under Choose a theme, click the theme or stationery that you want, and then click OK. Compose and send your message. Does Outlook have stationary like Lotus Notes? […]

Was Agent Orange used during the Korean War?

Was Agent Orange used during the Korean War? Agent Orange was used in Korea from approximately 1968 to 1971. Those that served in Korea at that time are the only ones who are acknowledged to have had exposure to Dioxin. It does not cover those that were exposed afterward, where it resides in the dirt […]

Who invented perfume spray bottle?

Who invented perfume spray bottle? The first atomizer nozzle, also called an aspirator nozzle, was invented by Dr. Thomas DeVilbiss of Toledo, Ohio, in the late 19th century for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect. His device was used for spraying medicine on the back of his patients’ throats. […]