Can you push too hard pooping while pregnant? Will straining during pregnancy hurt the baby? For most pregnancies that are progressing without any issues, straining isn’t a huge concern. “Straining won’t harm the baby, but it can lead to hemorrhoids and anal fissures which can be very painful and uncomfortable for mom,” says Dr. Hamilton. […]
Which radio telescope is located in Mexico? Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. Where in Mexico is the Event Horizon Telescope? It is located at […]
What is needed for new AZ drivers license? Documents for an Arizona Driver’s License Proof of identity (birth certificate U.S. passport, military ID card, etc.) Proof of social security number. A completed AZ Driver’s License application (you can also fill one out at our office) Current and valid driver’s license from your previous state, if […]
What was the main cause for the Queensland 2010 floods to occur? The floods were a result of heavy rainfall caused by Tropical Cyclone Tasha that combined with a trough during the peak of a La Niña Modoki event. The 2010 La Niña Modoki weather pattern, which brings wetter conditions to eastern Australia, was the […]
What is minimum wage for semi skilled boilermaker? Entry-level positions start at R 163 500 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 375 600 per year. What is a boilermaker salary near Pretoria? The average salary for a boilermaker is R 7 488 per month in Pretoria, Gauteng. What does a semi […]
How does centrifuge enrich uranium? To enrich uranium, yellowcake is first turned into a gas called uranium hexafluoride. This is pumped into centrifuges that spin so fast the ever-so-slightly heavier gas containing uranium-238 is forced to the outside, while the lighter gas containing uranium-235 stays in the middle. What is the process of uranium enrichment? […]
Is football good for losing weight? How many calories does playing 30 minutes of football burn? According to Harvard Health, someone who weighs 155 lbs can burn up to 260 calories during a half an hour recreational game of football. How much weight can you lose from playing football? So, a running back might drop […]
Is Hagen Tropican good for parrots? Benefits include better plumage, weight balance, lower consumption and greater metabolic water production. Tropican is formulated for budgies, canaries, finches, cockatiels, lovebirds, parrots, amazons, cockatoos, macaws, conures, rosellas and most other birds. Is Tropican pellets good for birds? Tropican High Performance Formula provides proper daily nutrition for weaning, fledgling […]
Who discovered Alexander disease? Reporting in the January 3 issue of the journal Nature Genetics, a team led by University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher Albee Messing made the discovery after a genetic analysis of 13 cases of the disease. What are the signs and symptoms of Alexander disease? When the disease first appears before age 4 […]
What happens at the end of House of Wax? Carly and Nick eventually kill Vincent, but the house is beginning to melt in on itself. Thankfully, the siblings are able to push through the melting exterior wall and escape the house just as the floors finally melt into the basement below. Is there a house […]
What did Gell-Mann discover about the atom? Among his contributions to Physics was the “eightfold way” scheme that brought order out of the chaos created by the discovery of some 100 kinds of particles in collisions involving atomic nuclei. What is Murray Gell-Mann known for? Murray Gell-Mann, (born September 15, 1929, New York, New York, […]
How cold is the ice in Antarctica? Antarctica is the coldest, driest, windiest continent on the planet. Temperatures can plummet to -58°F, which is 90°F below freezing (32°F is freezing). Antarctica is so cold that most of the ice there never melts; the continent is permanently covered in ice. How does temperature affect Antarctica? Antarctica […]