How much does SCDF earn in Singapore?

How much does SCDF earn in Singapore? Singapore Civil Defence Force Salaries Job Title Salary SCDF Fire Specialist salaries – 5 salaries reported SGD 16,800/yr Civil Servant salaries – 5 salaries reported SGD 60,000/yr SCDF Officer salaries – 4 salaries reported SGD 58,200/yr NSF Fire Rescue Specialist salaries – 4 salaries reported SGD 17,688/yr Is […]

What is another word for wildlife sanctuary?

What is another word for wildlife sanctuary? What is another word for wildlife sanctuary? natural preserve natural reserve park preserve sanctuary shelter tract conservation area home conservation park What is wildlife sanctuary in India? A Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area of importance for flora, fauna, or features of geological or other interest, which is […]

How do I change the preview pane in Lotus Notes?

How do I change the preview pane in Lotus Notes? To change the location of the preview pane Click Show at the upper right, and then click Preview on Bottom or Preview on Side. How do I reset Lotus Notes to default settings? Follow these steps: Shut down Lotus Notes. Find notes. ini file and […]

Is the Roald Dahl museum worth visiting?

Is the Roald Dahl museum worth visiting? Yes. We had a good time. BUT I would suggest that it is most suitable for children of reading age who have read the books by Roald Dahl. It is interactive but there is also quite a lot of reading and information that will most appeal to slightly […]

What gear ratio gets better gas mileage?

What gear ratio gets better gas mileage? The lower the number, the better fuel economy, and the higher the number the more towing power you have, but fuel economy suffers. For instance, a 3:31 gets better fuel economy than a 3:73. On the other hand, a 3:73 or perhaps a 4:10 will tow much more, […]

How do you input an array in Verilog?

How do you input an array in Verilog? Verilog does not support two dimensional arrays as ports of modules. This feature is supported by SystemVerilog only. In the first snippet, you are passing two dimensional array a as input, which is not supported. In the latter case, a single dimensional vector is passed to the […]

What airport do I fly into for Sardinia?

What airport do I fly into for Sardinia? Cagliari Elmas Cagliari Airport (code CAG, known as Cagliari Elmas) is the main airport on the island and serves up to 3 million passengers each year. It serves southern Sardinia and is the airport you should use if you intend to explore the southern part of the […]

Do Aries and Libra get along friendship?

Do Aries and Libra get along friendship? While these two signs have opposing rulers, they actually have complementary elements. Fire and air signs tend to do really well together, since fire needs air in order to survive. This makes both Aries and Libra the life of the party — Libra’s the one throwing it, of […]

Does China have capital account convertibility?

Does China have capital account convertibility? To sum up, at present, both India and China are not in a state of full convertibility on the capital account, though, enough reforms have been made, with China starting its QDIIP in 2016 after the huge BoP deficit in 2015 and India, as mentioned, cutting its imports through […]

What is the full form of PVR?

What is the full form of PVR? PVR Ltd (formerly Priya Village Roadshow Ltd), doing business as PVR Cinemas, is an Indian movie theater chain in India with its headquarter located in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. PVR pioneered the multiplex revolution in India by establishing the first multiplex cinema in 1997 at Saket, New Delhi, India. […]

Can Toad be used for Oracle?

Can Toad be used for Oracle? Toad® for Oracle is the only developer tool that helps you simplify your workflow, reduce code defects and improve code quality and performance while supporting team collaboration. Automate administration tasks and proactively manage your databases while embracing performance optimization and risk mitigation. What does Toad stand for Oracle? Tools […]

What is the principle of MTT assay?

What is the principle of MTT assay? Principle: Rapid colorimetric assay based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium ring of MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthazolk-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) by dehydrogenases in active mitochondria of living cells as an estimate of viable cell number. Why is DMSO used in MTT assay? We have found that DMSO is the best solvent […]