How big will a Jack Dempsey cichlid get? seven to eight inches Size: Perch-like in shape, the Cichlasoma octofasciatum is a large cichlid, reaching seven to eight inches (18-20 cm). Behavior: Its common name refers to the boxer, Jack Dempsey, because of its fighting demeanor. They are extremely aggressive and excitable; schools are formed only […]
What are the most inspiring short stories? The 10 Most Inspirational Short Stories I’ve Heard The Elephant Rope (Belief) What is this? Thinking Out of the Box (Creative Thinking) The Group of Frogs (Encouragement) A Pound of Butter (Honesty) The Obstacle In Our Path (Opportunity) The Butterfly (Struggles) Control Your Temper (Anger) The Blind Girl […]
What is the specific heat of ethylene glycol? 2.433 J/g-°C Vendors: Physical Properties Metric English Specific Heat Capacity 2.433 J/g-°C 0.5815 BTU/lb-°F Thermal Conductivity 0.256 W/m-K @Temperature 20.0 °C 1.78 BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F @Temperature 68.0 °F Melting Point -13.0 °C 8.60 °F Boiling Point 197.3 °C 387.1 °F What is the specific heat capacity of glycol? For […]
What flowers are in season in July in California? Seasonal flowers: What blooms in July? Summertime, especially July, is often said to be the optimal time to cultivate orchids- almost all the varieties are in season now. Delphinium. Lilies. Dahlias. Gardenias. Gerber Daisies. Hydrangeas. Iris. What flowers will be in season in July? July is […]
What can you do with a digital cinematography degree? Most Popular Digital Cinematography Jobs Editor Film. Film Set Photographer. Film Screenwriter. Film Video Editing. Film Media Teacher. What is digital filmmaking major? The Digital Filmmaking students are immersed in the world of cinematic storytelling and film production processes. They develop a sophisticated narrative understanding and […]
What is another way to say agent of change? A change agent is sometimes also called an agent of change or change advocate. What is another name for security guard? watcher guard. keeper. security guard. sentinel. sentry. watchman. watchperson. watchwoman. What is the synonym of breach? crack, rift, rupture, contravention, dereliction, disregard, infraction, infringement, neglect, […]
How do I type math symbols in HTML? Many mathematical, technical, and currency symbols, are not present on a normal keyboard. To add such symbols to an HTML page, you can use the entity name or the entity number (a decimal or a hexadecimal reference) for the symbol. What is period in HTML? CSS CODE. […]
Is hunting with a bow legal in Australia? Generally the only requirement you need in Australia is a place to hunt. There is no licencing requirements for the equipment. All Australian States except Tasmania allow bowhunting. There is crown land hunting in New South Wales and Victoria under certain licence arrangements. Can you bow hunt […]
What is EdU in staining? In EdU staining, EdU is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA by cells within a sample. A fluorescent azide, such as iFluor-488, is then added. The fluorescent azide is small enough to diffuse freely through native tissues and DNA, and it covalently cross-links to the EdU in a ‘click’ chemistry reaction. […]
What is the meaning of the result CIN 1? CIN 1 – it’s unlikely the cells will become cancerous and they may go away on their own; no treatment is needed and you’ll be invited for a cervical screening test in 12 months to check they’ve gone. CIN 2 – there’s a moderate chance the […]
Does the UK have an immigration problem? In January 2021, analysis by the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence suggested that there had been an “unprecedented exodus” of almost 1.3 million foreign-born people from the UK between July 2019 and September 2020, in part due to the burden of job losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic […]
Where is the ancient city of sippar? Iraq Sippar, modern Abū Ḥabbah, ancient city of Babylonia, located southwest of present Baghdad, central Iraq. Sippar was subject to the 1st dynasty of Babylon, but little is known about the city before 1174 bc, when it was sacked by the Elamite king Kutir-Nahhunte. When was sippar founded? […]