What is the difference between immunogenicity and antigenicity?

What is the difference between immunogenicity and antigenicity? The term immunogenicity refers to the ability of a substance to induce cellular and humoral immune response, while antigenicity is the ability to be specifically recognized by the antibodies generated as a result of the immune response to the given substance. How do you determine antigenicity? Immunogenicity […]

What is record size in VSAM?

What is record size in VSAM? The record length is a value from 1 to 32,767. How do you calculate record size for alternate index? Use the following formulas to determine the average size of the alternate index record when the alternate index supports ESDS or KSDS. ESDS: RECSZ= 5 + AIXKL + (n x […]

Is session client-side or server-side?

Is session client-side or server-side? Cookies are client-side files that contain user information, whereas Sessions are server-side files that contain user information. What is a session between client and server? A secure connection, or session, between a client and a server requires that the server have the ability to remember–over numerous requests–who it is talking […]

Is Captain Falcon good in Smash?

Is Captain Falcon good in Smash? After Smash Ultimate’s 11.0. 0 update, Captain Falcon is considered one of the game’s best characters by a notable pro. Is Captain Falcon good in smash ultimate Reddit? Granted, Falcon isn’t as good as the characters I’ve mentioned, but he isn’t bad. He just doesn’t have anything that’s easily […]

How long should my hair be for an undercut?

How long should my hair be for an undercut? between 4 and 6 inches Undercut Requirements Up top, you want a horseshoe-shaped section of longer hair, between 4 and 6 inches, starting at the corners of the front of the hairline and going back to the center of your cowlick. If you plan on parting […]

What is the shape of CHCl3 molecule?

What is the shape of CHCl3 molecule? tetrahedral The shape of CHCl3 molecule is tetrahedral due to the presence of sp3 hybridisation. Does CHCl3 have a trigonal pyramidal shape? 1 Answer. CHCl3 would have an AX4 designation. This would make its shape tetrahedral. Is CHCl3 linear or non linear? Answer. CHCL3 is non-linear in nature. […]

What findings did Watson and Crick make?

What findings did Watson and Crick make? The discovery in 1953 of the double helix, the twisted-ladder structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), by James Watson and Francis Crick marked a milestone in the history of science and gave rise to modern molecular biology, which is largely concerned with understanding how genes control the chemical processes […]

How do I get the version of a file in PowerShell?

How do I get the version of a file in PowerShell? You can get file version of file using PowerShell Get-Command cmdlet. In the above command, Get-Command get dll assembly file version of the specified file using FileVersionInfo. FileVersion property. How do I find the version of a file? You can use the FileVersionInfo. FileVersion […]

What is an ABS Blast class?

What is an ABS Blast class? Abs Blast is a 30 minute session focusing on those all important abdominals (six pack) and your core strength. Guaranteed to nip in your waist line and help to give you the tone and definition you want. Suitable for all fitness levels and abilities. What is core blast? Core […]

Is gloss or satin varnish better?

Is gloss or satin varnish better? A gloss paint is typically more robust and durable than a satin paint, but a poorly prepped gloss finish is not as good as a well-prepped satin finish. Both paints can withstand the odd scuff or mark but gloss is less likely to retain them. Which is better satin […]

How do you pass a name as a parameter?

How do you pass a name as a parameter? To double the value of C[j], you can pass its name (not its value) into the following procedure. procedure double(x); real x; begin x:=x*2 end; In general, the effect of pass-by-name is to textually substitute the argument in a procedure call for the corresponding parameter in […]

What was eliminated from the DSM-5?

What was eliminated from the DSM-5? (DSM-5) include eliminating the multi-axial system; removing the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF score); reorganizing the classification of the disorders; and changing how disorders that result from a general medical condition are conceptualized. Did the DSM-5 eliminate personality disorders? As we discussed in our first article, DSM-5 has eliminated […]