Which food is best for goldfish? A mixture of specialised goldfish flake and granules are a good staple diet. Ideally supplement this with live brine shrimp and a mixture of frozen brine shrimp, daphnia and veggie mix. The diet can also be supplemented by scalded peas, small invertebrates and duck weed. What do fish goldfish […]
What is an IR cable for Xbox One? Xbox One uses the Kinect sensor to control your home theater equipment through infrared (IR) signals, the same technology used in remote controls. If you’re having trouble controlling your home theater from Xbox One, you can use an IR extension cable. What is IR cable used for? […]
What are some high school stereotypes? High School Stereotypes The jocks. This is the stereotypical high school student who is always into sports and hangs out with other athletes. The nerds. The popular girls/boys. The band geeks. The theater kids. The rebel. The overachiever. The slacker. What are high school cliques? Adolescent cliques are cliques […]
Are all Haribo products halal? Haribo is a good company that makes it clear that their products are not halal unless they are produced in Turkey or they are produced in Austria and are specifically labeled as Certified Halal. Is Haribo halal in Malaysia? Soft & Bouncy Texture That We Know You’ll Love In addition, […]
What pest eats green bean leaves? The bean leaf beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata) is a pest of snap beans (also called string beans or green beans). Adult beetles feed on the undersides of leaves, creating round, 1/8 inch diameter holes. They can also feed directly on the pod. Adults are active mid-May to early June and […]
Who is UK abroad? U.K.ABROAD is an online legitimate and private British document services company assisting applicants worldwide who are living in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Europe. U.K.ABROAD offers an independent service, not associated in any way with any government. Can I travel abroad right now UK? show proof of […]
What does dual dental coverage mean? If you are covered under two different dental insurance plans, then you have dual dental coverage. Dual dental coverage typically occurs when you have two jobs that each provide dental benefits, or you are covered by your spouse’s dental plan in addition to your own. Is dual dental coverage […]
Can you watch the parade online? NBC is the official parade broadcaster, featuring the Today Show crew as hosts, so you can stream the parade via the NBC App for iOS or on Android devices (you’ll need to link to your TV provider). You can also watch it live on NBC’s website if you’re on […]
Can you write-off a car as a work expense? Individuals who own a business or are self-employed and use their vehicle for business may deduct car expenses on their tax return. If a taxpayer uses the car for both business and personal purposes, the expenses must be split. The deduction is based on the portion […]
Who are the famous dancer in the Philippines? Bayani Casimiro A tap dancer, he was frequently dubbed as the “Fred Astaire of the Philippines”. Who are the Filipinos in the field of dance? Here are the names you should remember: Francisca Reyes-Aquino. Reyes-Aquino is considered the mother of Filipino folk dance. Leonor Orosa-Goquingco. Lucrecia Reyes-Urtula. […]
What song does Deangelo juggle? Deangelo is officially Regional Manager in “The Inner Circle”. He considers himself to be a professional juggler, even though he juggles invisible juggling balls; he juggles to the song “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence. What episode of The Office does Will Ferrell juggle? The episode originally aired on May […]
How strong is a silverback ape? The silverbacks are in fact stronger than 20 adult humans combined as they can lift or throw up to 815 kgs while a well-trained man can only lift up to 400 kgs. Any adult gorilla can lift up to 450 kilograms, not with a body size that can go […]