What is the hardest chess bot? About Shredder Shredder is the most successful chess program ever, having won already twelve computer chess world champion titles. In addition to his outstanding playing strength Shredder is also able to mimic the play of a human chess player with any playing strength. He even deliberately makes typical human […]
What does a teen boy need in his room? Lounging or gaming corner Apart from his study chair, his room should have extra seating for friends to lounge about in. A comfy chair, a couple of beanbags, a futon, or even thick mattresses strewn on the floor (which can be used for sleepovers, too) are […]
What is a normal growth velocity for children? Growth velocity is a measurement of growth rate. Children with normal variants of height tend to have a normal growth velocity (5 cm [2 in] per year for children between five years of age and puberty) after catch-up or catch-down growth. A growth velocity that is less […]
What is Td vaccine for pregnant? Pregnant women have been getting both tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) and tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccines worldwide since the 1960s to prevent neonatal tetanus. What does Td vaccine stand for? Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) and Td (Tetanus and Diphtheria) Vaccine. Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping […]
What is chaotic world? (keɪɒtɪk ) Explore ‘chaotic’ in the dictionary. adjective. Something that is chaotic is in a state of complete disorder and confusion. What does it mean to be called chaotic? completely confused or disordered Definition of chaotic 1 : marked by chaos or being in a state of chaos : completely confused […]
What is level B1 in IELTS? Level B1 corresponds to independent users of the language, i.e. those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with native speakers. What is IELTS Life Skills B1? IELTS life Skills B1 is for people who need to prove their English speaking and listening skills at Common European […]
What are some Japanese loan words? 32 Cool Japanese Loanwords We All Use in English Typhoon. Japanese: 台風 (たいふう) Tsunami. Japanese: 津波 (つなみ) Karaoke. Japanese: カラオケ (からおけ) Sake. Japanese: 酒 (さけ) Manga. Japanese: 漫画 (まんが) 6. Anime. Japanese: アニメ Otaku. Japanese: お宅 (おたく) Emoji. Japanese: 絵文字 (えもじ) How many loan words are there in Japanese? […]
Is there a mod menu for blade and sorcery? The Mod Configuration Menu is a new page in the book to support user-friendly in-game mod configuration. Is there a gun mod for blade and sorcery Nomad? Blade and Sorcery NOMAD now has GUNS! Today we look at the new Smith and Wesson mod on Blade […]
Can you run two motors one VFD? A variable frequency drive (VFD) can be used to control multiple motors in some applications provided the right design considerations are made and appropriate protection is provided for each motor. Can you couple two electric motors together? You can connect two identical electric motors together on the same […]
What do you learn in anatomical kinesiology? Anatomical Kinesiology provides students with a comprehensive and concise resource for mastering the muscles and related anatomy responsible for body movement. What is the purpose of kinesiology? Kinesiology is a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at imbalances that may be causing disease in […]
What is the Weather like in Australia in May? The weather across Australia in May is warm and sunny, the hottest area being along the coast of the Northern Territory and the north-west corner of Queensland, including the Great Barrier Reef, which enjoys average temperatures of between 27.6°C (81°F) and 19°C (66°F). How cold is […]
What is a real life example of a triangular prism? Some of the real-life examples of a triangular prism include triangular roofs, camping tents, Toblerone wrappers, and chocolate candy bars. What is a real life example of a prism? Right rectangular prisms or cuboids are all around us. A few examples are books, boxes, buildings, […]