What do I write in a seasons greeting card? Wishing you a season filled with warm moments and cherished memories. Warmest thoughts and Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a very Happy New Year. Holiday Greetings and Best wishes for a New Year of Happiness in a World of Peace. The gift of love, […]
Who are the 21st teachers? The 21st century teacher is a lifelong learner. They don’t just expect their students to be lifelong learners, but they too stay current and on top of what’s new in education. Even though they may still use the same lesson plan from years before, they know how to change it […]
Can a baby with anencephaly donate organs? About 1,000 anencephalic babies are born in the United States each year, and there is a shortage of hearts, livers and kidneys for transplantation in children. Organs may now be donated by anencephalic babies after death, but at that point the organs have deteriorated and cannot be used. […]
Who is the best beat producer? #1 – Dr. Few producers have had such an illustrious career as Dr. Dre. His style started out as what we might call G-Funk, then quickly moved into gangsta rap and continued to evolve with the new wave of West Coast artists like Xzibit and The Game. Where can […]
How do you search for videos on Snapchat? How It Works. Open Snapchat and on the camera screen you will see a search bar at the top. Tap inside the search bar and enter something you want to see a story about. For example, Snapchat suggests you look for nearby bars or game highlights. Can […]
What is Y scl? The Young Stars Cricket League ( YSCL) matches are circling every year to select and promote the young talented/passionate cricketers almost all over in India, actively regulating in 23 states, contested by Sixteen teams. What do the Xscl and YSCL values change? xmin, xmax sets the boundaries on the x axis […]
What is the index of refraction of CR-39? 1.49 In the case of CR-39 plastics, the Refractive Index is 1.49, meaning that light travels at almost half the speed through it than it does through a vacuum. The range of the Refractive indices of different lens materials ranges from 1.49 to 1.74. The higher this […]
Where does NZ get most of its electricity from? New Zealand’s energy mix While we rely heavily on renewables, such as hydro, geothermal and wind to produce our electricity, 60% of our energy still comes from fossil fuels. In fact, we use around 46 million barrels of crude oil every year – that’s more than […]
How much does a purebred German Shorthaired Pointer puppy cost? $600–$1,500 A German Shorthaired Pointer costs between $600 and $1,500, depending on the breeder you choose. A more experienced breeder will know how to breed a dog with fewer health problems, but they will also charge more and may have a long waiting list. Is […]
How many months before Can I renew my UK passport? Nine months before the passport expiry date if you don’t have a trip planned but want to ensure you will always have at least six months validity left for that unexpected last-minute holiday, noting the 10 week renewal times. What is the earliest you can […]
How do I enqueue JavaScript in WordPress? To enqueue scripts and styles in the front-end you’ll need to use the wp_enqueue_scripts hook. Within the hooked function you can use the wp_register_script() , wp_enqueue_script() , wp_register_style() and wp_enqueue_style() functions. How do I enqueue a custom script in WordPress? Enqueueing via a plugin Firstly, create a folder […]
What are the pseudo-ruminant animals? A pseudo-ruminant is an animal that eats large amounts of roughage. Mammals with this type of digestive system include hamsters, rabbits, and horses. Pseudo-ruminants eat forages as well as grains. What is a pseudo-ruminant digestive system? A pseudo-ruminant is an animal that eats large amounts of roughage but does not […]