What US state is the size of UK?

What US state is the size of UK? According to the map, Alaska is more than seven times the size of the UK, which covers 93,627.8 square miles and comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Oil-rich Texas is almost three times the size of the UK, while sunny California is almost twice […]

Does corn starch feed yeast?

Does corn starch feed yeast? Cornstarch may actually worsen a yeast diaper rash. If you want to use powder, make sure it doesn’t have talcum. Pour the powder carefully into your hands, away from your baby’s face, and then gently pat her bottom. Will cornstarch make a yeast infection worse? Many believe yeast will feed […]

How much do offshore racing boats cost?

How much do offshore racing boats cost? You can buy a boat used or new, with costs ranging from $20,000 to $2 million. If you’re serious about racing, you’ll end up needing extra motors, spare drives, transom assemblies and tools. How fast does an offshore racing boat go? Depending on the class, speeds varies from […]

What is the sublimation temperature of iodine?

What is the sublimation temperature of iodine? When vaporization is complete, the temperature again begins rising. In this system, we see iodine vapour only when the temperature is at 184.3 oC or higher. Does iodine sublimate easily? Van der Waals forces that link iodine molecules together in a crystal are relatively weak. That is why […]

Is it OK to buy second hand PC parts?

Is it OK to buy second hand PC parts? Used parts aren’t all good and likely aren’t covered by warranty. While used components can be a good catch, there are certain components that should always be purchased new. Namely the motherboard, power supply, and hard drives (including SSDs). How can I get old computer parts? […]

What is Victorian age in English literature?

What is Victorian age in English literature? The Victorian period of literature roughly coincides with the years that Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain and its Empire (1837-1901). During this era, Britain was transformed from a predominantly rural, agricultural society into an urban, industrial one. What is the history of Victorian age? Strictly speaking, the Victorian […]

What is the CPT code for vasectomy?

What is the CPT code for vasectomy? Practices are advised to use CPT 55250 Vasectomy, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure), including postoperative semen examination(s). What is the CPT code for laparoscopic orchiectomy? 54690 If you see in the documentation that the urologist performed the orchiectomy laparoscopically, you should report CPT® code 54690 (Laparoscopy, surgical; orchiectomy). […]

What is famous food in Bengal?

What is famous food in Bengal? West Bengal is famously known as the land of maach (fish) and bhaat (rice). Bengalis share an irrevocable relationship with these two foods that are a staple in almost every household. What is typical Bengali food? West Bengal is famous for an array of things, and one of the […]

Which is better Doberman or pitbull?

Which is better Doberman or pitbull? Both breeds have differences and similarities in their temperaments. The Doberman is described as one of the best guard dogs around, so if you are wondering which of these guys would make the best family guard dog then the Doberman wins paws down. Are Dobermans bigger than pitbulls? Doberman […]

What did Bohdan Khmelnytsky do?

What did Bohdan Khmelnytsky do? Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595–1657), who, beginning in 1648, led the rebellion against the Polish magnates, claiming freedom and territory for the Cossacks, has been memorialized in Ukraine as a great general and God-given nation builder, cut in the model of George Washington and sometimes Moses. Why did the khmelnytskyi insurrection start? […]

What do yellow-headed dwarf geckos eat?

What do yellow-headed dwarf geckos eat? Yellow-headed Geckos feed on terrestrial insects and small arthropods on the forest floor. They live in tropical dry and humid primary and secondary forests and open areas, are often found around stone walls and retreat to crevices and holes for cover from potential predators. How do you take care […]

Was Egypt in the Grand Canyon?

Was Egypt in the Grand Canyon? Myth #4: The Smithsonian discovered Egyptian ruins in the Grand Canyon. Fact: It didn’t. Are there really Egyptian artifacts in the Grand Canyon? We know for certain that John Wesley Powell, the first explorer of the Grand Canyon, noted numerous caves in the Grand Canyon on his way down […]