How do I contact Apple Music customer service?

How do I contact Apple Music customer service? Product and Services Support U.S. technical support: (800) APL–CARE (800–275–2273) See all worldwide support telephone numbers. Contact a mobile carrier. Make a reservation at an Apple Retail Store Genius Bar. Beats support: (800) 442–4000 (U.S.) or see all worldwide support telephone numbers. What music does Apple support? […]

How much does 4 x 6 lumber cost?

How much does 4 x 6 lumber cost? AC2 4 x 6 #2 Critical Structural Green Pressure Treated Timber at Menards Everyday Low Price $50.64 11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 5/30/22 $5.57 What length do 4×6 come in? Dimensional Lumber Nominal Size Actual Size 2×12 1-1/2″ × 11-1/4″ 4×4 3-1/2″ × 3-1/2″ 4×6 3-1/2″ × […]

Did Cressida cheat on Troilus?

Did Cressida cheat on Troilus? She’s also one of the most famous she-cheaters of all time. In the play, she falls in love with Troilus and promises to be faithful to him forever. Until she’s traded to the Greek army for a Trojan soldier and agrees to become Diomedes’ lover. Are Troilus and Cressida in […]

Was Sauron originally a man?

Was Sauron originally a man? A few clues are given as to Sauron’s appearance as the Dark Lord, after he lost his ability to take a fair form: Tolkien described Sauron in one of his letters as having the form of a man of more than human stature, but not gigantic, and as an image […]

What is the meaning of Quinquagesima Sunday?

What is the meaning of Quinquagesima Sunday? Definition of Quinquagesima 1 obsolete : the period extending from the Sunday before Lent to Easter Sunday or the first week of this period. 2 : the Sunday before Lent or the seventh before Easter in the church year observed by various branches of the Christian Church. — […]

What is a non-exclusive talent agency?

What is a non-exclusive talent agency? NON-EXCLUSIVE: Agreement between talent and Manikin Model and Talent Agency remains non-exclusive until such time that both parties agree to an exclusive agreement which must be obtained in writing. What is an exclusive contract in acting? An exclusive contract means you can only get work through the agent. You […]

What can you fit in a 5 cubic foot freezer?

What can you fit in a 5 cubic foot freezer? A 5 cubic foot small deep freezer should be sufficient for a two-person household. It may accommodate a family of four (but it’ll likely be a tight squeeze!). A freezer of this size holds approximately 175 pounds (79 kilograms) of food. If you’re wondering how […]

Is XHHW and Thhn the same?

Is XHHW and Thhn the same? Surprisingly, even though XHHW has a thicker and more protective jacket, it is also more flexible than THHN wire. This is due to the XLPE insulation of the XHHW allowing the cable to bend and flex more easily than the PVC insulation of the THHN – making XHHW much […]

What was the song Glory written for?

What was the song Glory written for? recorded the gospel-influenced song “Glory,” written by them for the film Selma (2014). The song, which invokes a call to end racial injustice, won both a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award for best original song. What is Glory by John Legend protesting? The movie recounts the […]

What is a good quote from Fahrenheit 451?

What is a good quote from Fahrenheit 451? “There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.” “If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you’ll never learn.” “We cannot tell the […]

What is GREY salt good for?

What is GREY salt good for? Extracts excess acidity and toxins from the brain cells such as aluminum which can be very damaging. Maintains a normal acid-alkaline balance by getting rid of excess acidity in the body. Prevents and gets rid of existing mucus build-up. Stabilizes irregular heartbeats. Is GREY salt the same as Celtic […]

What is a synonym for coming to terms?

What is a synonym for coming to terms? synonyms for come to terms acknowledge. admit. allow. comply. concede. What is the idioms of to come to terms? phrase. If you come to terms with something difficult or unpleasant, you learn to accept and deal with it. My dad needed to come to terms with the […]