How many state House districts are there in Iowa? The Iowa House of Representatives is the lower house of the Iowa General Assembly, the upper house being the Iowa Senate. There are 100 seats in the Iowa House of Representatives, representing 100 single-member districts across the state, formed by dividing the 50 Senate districts in […]
What triggers a NYSE trading halt? A market-wide trading halt can be triggered if the S&P 500 Index declines in price as compared to the prior day’s closing price of that index. The triggers have been set by the markets at three circuit breaker thresholds—7% (Level 1), 13% (Level 2), and 20% (Level 3). What […]
Is adoption credit ever refundable? The 2020 adoption tax credit is NOT refundable, which means taxpayers can only use the credit if they have federal income tax liability (see below). The credit applies one time for each adopted child and should be claimed when taxpayers file taxes for 2020. Is previous child tax credit refundable? […]
What can I write on my girlfriends birthday card? Happy Birthday Wording Examples for Girlfriend Happy birthday! Happy Birthday! Every time when I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. Today is your day, so light up the candles and make the greatest wish! Congratulations to the love of my life, […]
What happened Brenda Emmanus? Currently working as an Arts, Culture and Entertainment Correspondent most recently across BBC London and BBC Network news, Brenda also presents the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Specials with Kirsty Wark, as well as hosting a broad range of screenings and promotional events for BBC publicity teams and Channel … Where is […]
What is a non-tidal water? Non-tidal wetlands are freshwater, found around inland areas, and do not have tidal influxes of water. They are fed by rain, snow, or groundwater, and are usually covered with water during the winter and spring months and are often dry on the surface during the summer or fall months. What […]
What did William and Mary change? In the reform of 1779, William & Mary became the first college in America to become a university, establishing faculties of law and medicine; it was also the first college to establish a chair of modern languages. What was the justification of the NCAA in changing the William and […]
How do you use grep in UNIX? To search multiple files with the grep command, insert the filenames you want to search, separated with a space character. The terminal prints the name of every file that contains the matching lines, and the actual lines that include the required string of characters. You can append as […]
What happened between Marcus and Lacy from Bachelor in Paradise? Lacy Faddoul and Marcus Grodd called off their engagement. The first-ever engaged pair left season one with plans to get married and even had a wedding ceremony during “BiP” season two. But two years later in 2016, Grodd told Life&Style that they’d never actually filed […]
What is the best advice you can give to students? These are just some of our favorites: Cope With Failure and Learn From Mistakes. Love Yourself. Being a Good Person. Know the Keys to Success. Find Your Passion – Teri Skillman. Slow Down. Be a Lifelong Learner – @TXSalsaCongress. Listen. How do you advice students […]
Is Coeur de Lion a good brand? For those who are not too fussy about fashionable branding or buying into the whole ‘British is best’ thing, Coeur de Lion provides well-made clothes that have a quality feel for a fraction of the cost of its big-brand competitors – particularly if you’re shopping for a jacket […]
Is ability one a mandatory source? Federal contracts that have incorporated FAR Clause 52.208-9 “Contractor Use of Mandatory Sources of Supply or Services” require use of AbilityOne products in performance of the contract. What is an ability one contract? The AbilityOne Program uses the purchasing power of the federal government to buy products and services […]