What does Gandalf use to attack the Wargs? After taking refuge in cliff side trees before the Wargs uproot most of them, the final tree is partially uprooted, leaving most of Thorin’s Company hanging over the cliffside. Gandalf uses his staff to set some pinecones on fire and the Company throw them at the Orcs. […]
What is handshaking lemma in graph theory? In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, the handshaking lemma is the statement that, in every finite undirected graph, the number of vertices that touch an odd number of edges is even. Why is it called handshaking lemma? (The name arises from its application to the total number […]
What is Title 10 in the Navy? Title 10 of the United States Code outlines the role of armed forces in the United States Code. It provides the legal basis for the roles, missions and organization of each of the services as well as the United States Department of Defense. What are Title 10 orders? […]
What size Barb fits 5/16 hose? x 3/8 Barbed Hose Fitting: For 5/16 in Hose I.D., Hose Barb x NPT, 5/16 in x 3/8 in Fitting Size. What is a SWT fitting? C / SWT (Sweat) / Socket This type of unthreaded fitting is meant to be soldered (or “sweated”) onto copper pipe. “Flux” is […]
Who manufactures Goettl air conditioners? Goettl Manufacturer Overview. Goettl is an air conditioning and heating service company which once produced a line of air conditioners, furnaces and heat pumps sold primarily in the Southwest. Goettl is now owned by Phoenix Peach LLC, a private holding company based in Nevada. What brand does goettl install? – […]
What is SMBIOS data? In computing, the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) specification defines data structures (and access methods) that can be used to read management information produced by the BIOS of a computer. What is SMBIOS reporting? System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) is the premier standard for delivering management information via system firmware. Since its release […]
How much does an electric car cost in NZ? In fact, of the top 10 selling electric vehicles last year, seven were SUVs. There are even rumours of a new Toyota Ute EV, to rival New Zealand’s favourite car the Hilux, on the way….Top three selling EVs. Car model Approx Starting Price Tesla Model 3 […]
What does amended assessment mean? The ATO can issue you with an amended Notice of Assessment where an audit has been conducted that has resulted in a different assessment of your income. If you receive an amended Notice of Assessment it may mean that you need to pay more tax, or that you are entitled […]
What is a good serif font for body text? A widely used serif font for both body text and display type, Palatino was designed by Hermann Zapf. Part of its widespread use may stem from its inclusion—along with Helvetica and Times—with macOS. Palatino is an old-style serif font. What typeface should be used for body […]
How much aid does the U.S. give to Colombia? U.S. Assistance to Colombia In addition, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States is providing more than $20.6 million to help the Colombian authorities’ efforts, including health surveillance; water and sanitation; and case management. What are the main activities of USAID? USAID leverages India’s […]
Are Peterson Tuners good? Yes, the accuracy is within 0.1 cents (1/1000 of one semitone) as with all Peterson Strobe Tuners. An important thing to note is that Peterson Strobe Tuners have ultra high definition displays, so not only are they highly accurate in detecting a note but they have the ability to display that […]
How many Espers are there in Final Fantasy 12? 13 Espers There are 13 Espers in total, and here in this guide will be taking you through each of those, including the hidden Esper locations, strategies, and battles, for any that don’t already appear within the main part of Final Fantasy 12’s story – which […]